Page 169 - It Ends with Us
P. 169

ho urs.  Le t’s  just  say   we  both  kissed  a  lot.  We  both  lau ghe d  a  lot.  We  both  loved

                a  lot.  We  both  breat he d  a  lot.  A lot.  And  we  both  had  to  cover  our  mouths   an d
                be as  quiet an d  still as  we could  so we wouldn ’t get cau ght .
                    Whe n we were finishe d,  he  he ld  me ag ai nst hi m, skin to skin, han d  to he ar t.
                He kissed  me an d  looked  strai ght  in my eyes.
                    “I love you, Li ly. Ever ythi ng you are. I love you.”
                    I  know  tho se  words   get  thrown  around  a  lot,  especial ly  by  teenag ers.  A  lot  of

                times  premat urely  an d   witho ut  much    merit.  Bu t  whe n  he   sai d   the m  to  me,  I
                knew  he   was n’t  say ing  it  like  he   was   in  love  with  me.  It  was n’t  that   kind  of  “I
                love you.”
                    Imag ine  al l  the   people  you  meet  in  your  life.  The re  are  so  man y.  The y  come
                in  like  wav es,  trickling  in  an d  out  with  the   tide .  Some  wav es  are  much  bigger
                an d  mak e more of an  impac t than  othe rs. Sometimes the  wav es bring with  the m
                thi ngs from de ep in the  bottom of the  sea  an d  the y leav e tho se thi ngs tossed  onto

                the   sho re.  Imprints  ag ai nst  the   grai ns  of  san d  that   prove  the   wav es  had   once
                been the re, long af ter the  tide  recedes.
                    That   was  what   Atlas   was   telling  me  whe n  he   sai d   “I  love  you.”   He   was
                letting   me   know   that    I   was    the    biggest   wav e   he ’d   ever   come   ac ross.   And   I
                brought    so   much   with   me   that    my   impressions   would   al way s   be   the re,   even
                whe n the  tide  rolled  out.

                    After  he   sai d  he   loved  me,  he   told  me  he   had   a  bir thday   present  for  me.  He
                pulled  out a  smal l brown bag . “It isn’t much,  but it’s al l I could  af ford. ”
                    I  opened  the   bag   an d  pulled  out  the   best  present  I’d  ever  received.   It  was   a
                mag net   that    sai d   “Bo ston”   on   the    top.   At   the    bottom   in   tiny   letters,   it   sai d
                “Whe re ever ythi ng is better.” I told  hi m I would  keep it forever, an d  ever y time I
                look at  it I’ll thi nk of hi m.
                    Whe n  I  star ted  out  thi s  letter,  I  sai d  my  sixteenth  bir thday   was   one  of  the

                best day s of my life. Be cau se up until that  second,  it was .
                    It was  the  next few minutes that  weren’t.
                    Be fore  Atlas   had   sho wn  up  that   night ,  I  was n’t  expecting  hi m,  so  I  di dn ’t
                thi nk  to  lock  my  bedroom  do or.  My  fat he r  he ard  me  in  the re  tal king  to  someone,
                an d   whe n   he    threw   open   my   do or   an d   saw    Atlas    in   bed   with   me,   he    was
                an grier  than   I’d  ever  seen  hi m.  And  Atlas   was   at   a  di sadv an tag e  by  not  being

                prepared  for what  cam e next.
                    I’ll  never  forget  that   moment  for  as   long  as   I  live.  Be ing  completely  he lpless
                as    my   fat he r   cam e   do wn   on   hi m   with   a   bas ebal l   bat .   The    sound   of   bones
                snap ping was  the  only thi ng piercing through  my scream s.
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