Page 174 - It Ends with Us
P. 174

Chapter Eighteen

                “Oh,  God. I thi nk  I might  thro w up.”
                    R yle  puts  hi s  thu mb  und er  my  chi n  and   tilts  my  face  up  to  hi s.  He
                grins  at me.  “You’ll be  fine.  Stop frea king  out.”
                    I shake  my ha nds out and  bounc e  up and  down  ins ide  the  el ev ator.

                “I  can’t  hel p  it,”  I  say.  “Ever ythi ng   you  and   Allysa  ha ve  told  me  about
                your   mother     makes     me   so   ner vous.”   My   ey es    widen   and    I   bring    my
                ha nd s up to my mouth.  “Oh,  God, R yle.  Wha t if she  asks me  ques tions
                about Jesus?  I  don’t  go  to  chu rch.   I  mea n,   I  rea d  the  Bible  when  I  was
                young er, but I don’t kno w ans wers  to any  Bible  trivia ques tions .”

                    He’s  rea lly  laughi ng   no w.  He  pulls  me  to  hi m  and   kisses   the  side  of
                my  hea d.  “She  won’t  talk  about  Jes us.  She  alrea dy  loves   you,  based   on
                wha t I’ve  told her. All you ha ve  to do is be  you, Lily.”
                    I  start  no dding .  “Be  me.   Okay.  I  thi nk   I  can  pret end   to  be  me  for
                one  ev eni ng . Right ?”
                    The    doors    open    and    he   walks   me    out   of   the   el ev ator,   toward
                Allysa’s   apartment .     It’s   funny    watchi ng    hi m   kno ck,   but   I   gues s   he

                tec hni cally  does n’t  live   here   any more.   Over     the   last  few   mont hs ,  he
                just  sort  of  slowly  beg an  staying   with  me.   All  of  hi s  clothe s  are  at  my
                apartment .     His   toilet ries .   Last   week    he   ev en   hu ng    tha t   ridiculous
                blurr y  pho tograph  of  me  up  in  our  bed room,  and   it  rea lly  fel t  offic ial
                after  tha t.
                    “Does  she  kno w we  live  toget her?”  I ask hi m. “Is she  okay with  tha t?

                I  mea n,   we  aren’ t  marri ed .  She  goes   to  chu rch  ev er y  Sund ay.  Oh,   no ,
                R yle!  Wha t if your mother  thi nk s I’m a blasphem ous who re?”
                    R yle   nu dges    hi s   hea d   toward   the   apartment       door    and    I   spin
                around  to see  hi s mother  stand ing  in  the  door way, a layer  of sho ck on
                her  face.
                    “Mother,” R yle  says. “Meet  Lily. My blasphem ous who re. ”
                    Oh  de ar  God.
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