Page 176 - It Ends with Us
P. 176

tha t.”

                    I  don’t  push  thing s  with  R yle  when  it  comes   to  speed ing   thi ng s  up
                in  our  rel ations hi p. Our  lives  are  per fec t ho w they  are.  We’re  too busy
                for a wed ding  any way, so I don’t mind  if he  want s to wait a lot long er.
                    “Wha t    about     you?”    Allysa   pres ses .   “Would     you    say   yes    if   he
                proposed ?”
                    I laugh.  “Are  you kidding  me?  Of course.  I’d marr y hi m toni ght .”

                    Allysa looks over  my sho ulder  at her  bed room door. She  purses  her
                lips toget her  and  tries  to hi de her  smile.
                    “He’s stand ing  in  the  door way, isn’t he?”
                    She  no ds.
                    “He  hea rd me  say tha t, didn’t he?”
                    She  no ds again.
                    I   roll   ont o   my   back   and    look   at   R yle,    propped    up   agains t   the

                door frame      with  hi s  arms  folded   over    hi s  ches t.  I  can’t  tel l  wha t  he’s
                thi nk ing  after  hea ring  tha t. His ex pres sion  is tight . His jaw is tight . His
                ey es  are  na rro wed  in  my direc tion.
                    “Lily,”  he  says  with  stoic  composure.   “I  would  marr y  the  he ll  out  of
                    His  words  make  me  smile  the   most  em barra ssing ,  wides t  smile,   so  I

                pull   a   pillow   over   my   face.    “Why,   tha nk    you,   R yle, ”   I   say,   my   words
                muffled  by the  pillow.
                    “Tha t’s   rea lly   sweet ,”   I   hea r   Allysa   say.   “My   brother   is   actually
                sweet .”
                    The   pillow  is  pulled   away  from  me       and   R yle   is  stand ing   over   me,
                ho lding  it at hi s side.  “Let ’s go.”
                    My hea rt beg ins  to bea t faster. “Right  no w?”

                    He  no ds.  “I  took  the  week end   off  bec ause  my  parent s  are  in  town.
                You ha ve  peo ple  who  can  run  your store  for you. Let ’s go to Veg as and
                get  marri ed .”
                    Allysa  sits  up  on  the  bed .  “You  can’t  do  tha t,”  she  says.  “Lily’s  a  girl.
                She  want s a rea l wed ding  with  flowers  and  brides maids and  shi t.”
                    R yle   looks  back  at  me.   “Do  you  want   a  rea l  wed ding   with  flowers

                and  brides maids and  shi t?”
                    I thi nk  about it for a sec ond .
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