Page 172 - It Ends with Us
P. 172
I love hi m. I still do and I always will. He was a hu ge wave tha t lef t a
lot of imprint s on my life, and I’ll feel the wei ght of tha t love unt il I
die. I’ve accep ted tha t.
But thi ng s are different no w. After today when he walked out of my
offic e, I tho ught long and ha rd about us. I thi nk our lives are where
they ’re supposed to be. I ha ve R yle. Atlas ha s hi s girlfriend . We both
ha ve the career s we’d always ho ped for. Just bec ause we didn’t end up
on the same wave, does n’t mea n we aren’ t still a part of the same
ocea n.
Thi ng s with R yle are still fairly new, but I feel tha t same dep th with
hi m tha t I used to feel with Atlas. He loves me just like Atlas did. And
I kno w if Atlas ha d a cha nc e to get to kno w hi m, he would be able to
see tha t and he’d be ha ppy for me.
Somet imes an unex pec ted wave comes along , sucks you up and
ref uses to spit you back out. R yle is my unex pec ted tidal wave, and
right no w I’m skimming the bea utiful sur face.