Page 177 - It Ends with Us
P. 177

The    three   of   us   are   quiet    for   a   moment ,   and    then   Allysa   starts

                kicking    her   leg s   up   and    down   on   the   bed ,   giddy   with   excitem ent .
                “They ’re  get ting   marri ed !”  she  yel ls.  She  rolls  off  the  bed   and   rushes
                toward     the   living    room.   “Marsha ll,   pack    our   bags!   We’re    going    to
                Veg as!”
                    R yle  rea ches   down  and   grabs  my  ha nd ,  pulling   me  to  a  stand .  He’s
                smiling ,  but  there’ s  no   way  I’m  doing   thi s  unl es s  I  kno w  for  sure    he

                want s it.
                    “Are  you sure  about thi s, R yle?”
                    He    runs    hi s   ha nd s   thro ugh   my   ha ir   and    pulls   my   face   to   hi s,
                brushi ng    hi s   lips   agains t   mine.    “Naked    truth, ”   he   whi spers .   “I’m   so
                ex cited  to be  your hu sband , I could piss my damn  pant s.”
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