Page 188 - It Ends with Us
P. 188

rea ssuranc e  from  hi m.  The  ant icipation  of  wha t  I’m  about  to  find   out

                is making  me  na useo us.
                    “No  one  is  dying.  I’m  no t  che ating   on  you.  Wha t  I’m  about  to  tel l
                you  isn’t  going   to  hu rt  you,  okay?  It’s  all  in  the  past.  But  Allysa  thi nk s
                you need  to kno w. And  . . . so do I.”
                    I  nod  and   he  rel ea ses   my  ha nd s.  He’s  the  one  up  and   pacing   no w,
                back  and   forth  behi nd   the     coffee   table.   It’s  as  if  he’s  ha ving   to  work

                up  the  courage  to  find   hi s  own  words  and   tha t’s  making   me  ev en  more
                ner vous.
                    He   sits   in   the   cha ir   again.    “Lily?   Do   you   rem em ber   the   night    we
                met ?”
                    I no d.
                    “You   remember        when    I   walked    out   ont o   the   roof?   How   ang ry   I

                    I   no d   again.    He   was   kicking   the   cha ir.   It   was   bef ore   he   knew
                marine- grade  polymer  was virtually ind es tructible.
                    “Do   you   remember       my   na ked    truth?   Wha t   I   told   you   about   tha t
                ni ght  and  wha t caused  me  to be  so ang ry?”
                    I  lea n   my  hea d  down    and   thi nk   back  to  tha t  ni ght   and   to  all  the
                truths   he   told  me.   He  said  marri age  rep ulsed   hi m.  He  was  onl y  int o

                one- ni ght   stand s.  He  nev er  want ed   to  ha ve  kids.  He  was  mad  about  a
                patient  he’d  lost tha t ni ght .
                    I  start  nodding .  “The  little  boy,”  I  said.  “Tha t’s  why   you  were  mad,
                bec ause  a little  boy died  and  it upset  you.”
                    He  blows  out  a  quick  brea th  of  rel ief .  “Yes .  Tha t’s  why   I  was  mad.”
                He    stands   up   again   and    it’s   like   I   see   hi s   ent ire   soul   crumble.    He
                pres ses   hi s  palms  agains t  hi s  ey es   and   fig ht s  back  tea rs.  “When   I  told

                you  about  wha t  ha ppened   to  hi m,  do  you  rem em ber  wha t  you  said  to
                    I  feel   like  I’m  about  to  cry  and   I  don’t  ev en   kno w  why   yet.  “Yes .  I
                told  you  I  couldn’t  imagine        wha t  somet hi ng   like   tha t  will  do  to  tha t
                little  boy’s  brother.  The  one  who   accident ally  sho t  hi m.”  My  lips  start
                to   tremb le.    “And    tha t’s   when    you   said,   ‘It’ll   de stroy   hi m   for   life,   that ’s

                what  it’ll do .’ ”
                    Oh,  God.
                    Whe re is he  going with  thi s?
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