Page 184 - It Ends with Us
P. 184

My   words    kno ck   the   brea th   from   hi m.   I   see   it   ha ppen.    His   back

                meet s   the   wall   behi nd    hi m   and    he   stares    at   me   silent ly.   In   sho ck.
                “Lily,” he  whi spers . “You fel l down  the  stairs.”
                    I can’t tel l if he’s trying  to conv inc e  me  or hi msel f.
                    I calmly rep ea t mysel f. “Get  out of my apartment .”
                    He    rema ins    frozen     in   place.    I   sit   up   on   the   bed .   My   ha nd
                immed iatel y  goes   to  the     thro bbing   in  my  ey e.   He  pushes   hi msel f  up

                off the  floor. When  he  takes  a step  for ward, I scoot back on  the  bed .
                    “You’re  hu rt, Lily. I’m no t lea ving  you alone. ”
                    I  grab  one  of  my  pillows  and   thro w  it  at  hi m,  like  it  could  actually
                do  damage.   “Get   out!”  I  yel l.  He  catches   the     pillow.  I  grab  the   other
                one  and   stand   up  on  the  bed   and   start  swing ing   it  at  hi m  as  I  screa m,
                “Get  out! Get  out! Get  out!”
                    I toss the  pillow on  the  floor after  the  front  door slams shu t.

                    I run  to the  living  room and  dea d-bolt the  door.
                    I  run  back  to  my  bed room  and  fall  ont o  my  bed .  The         same  bed   I
                sha re  with  my hu sband . The  same  bed  he  makes  love  to me  on.
                    The  same  bed   he  lays  me  on  when  it’s  time  for  hi m  to  clea n  up  hi s
                mes ses .
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