Page 46 - It Ends with Us
P. 46

He  puts  hi s  arm  around   her      and   kisses   the   top  of  her   he ad.  “I’m

                proud of you, Issa.”
                    I  like  tha t  he  calls  her  Issa,  whi ch  I’m  assuming   is  sho rt  for  Allysa.  I
                thi nk    about   my   own    na me    and    if   I’ll   ev er   find    a   guy   who    could
                sho rten  it int o a sickeni ng ly cute  ni ckna me.  Illy.
                    No pe. No t the  sam e.
                    “Do you need  hel p get ting  ho me?”  she  asks.

                    I ho p down  and  tes t my foot. “Maybe  just to my car. It’s my lef t foot,
                so I can  probably drive  just fine. ”
                    She  walks  over  and   puts  her  arm  around   me.   “If  you  want   to  lea ve
                the   key s   with   me,    I’ll   lock   up   and    come   back   tomorro w   and    start
                clea ni ng .”
                    The  three    of  them    walk  me  to  my  car,  but  R yle  allows  Allysa  to  do
                most  of  the  work.  He  seems   almost  scared   to  touch  me  no w  for  some

                rea son.   When     I’m  in  the  driver’s  sea t,  Allysa  puts  my  purse  and   other
                thi ng s  in  the  floorboard  and   sits  in  the  passeng er  sea t.  She  takes   my
                pho ne  out and  beg ins  programming  her  nu mber  int o it.
                    R yle  lea ns  int o the  wind ow. “Make  sure  to keep  ice  on  it as much  as
                you can  for the  nex t few  days. Baths  hel p, too.”
                    I no d. “Tha nk s for your hel p.”

                    Allysa lea ns  over  and  says, “R yle?  Maybe  you sho uld drive  her  ho me
                and  take  a cab back to the  apartment , just to be  safe. ”
                    R yle   looks   down   at   me   and    then   sha kes    hi s   hea d.   “I   don’t   thi nk
                tha t’s   a   good   idea ,”   he   says.   “She’l l   be   fine.    I’ve   ha d   a   few    beers ,
                probably sho uldn’t be  driving .”
                    “You could at lea st hel p her  home, ” Allysa sugges ts.
                    R yle  sha kes   hi s  hea d  and   the n  pats  the  roof  of  the  car  as  he  turns

                and  walks away.
                    I’m  still  watchi ng   hi m  when     Allysa  ha nd s  me  back  my  pho ne       and
                says,  “Seri ously.  I’m  rea lly  sorry  about  hi m.  First  he  hi ts  on  you,  then
                he’s  a  sel fis h  assho le. ”  She  climbs  out  of  the  car  and   closes   the  door,
                then  lea ns  thro ugh  the  wind ow. “Tha t’s why  he’l l be  sing le  for  the  res t
                of  his  life. ”   She   point s  to  my  pho ne.   “Tex t  me   when    you  get   ho me.

                And  call me  if you need  any thi ng . I won’t count  favors as work-time. ”
                    “Tha nk  you, Allysa.”
                    She   smiles .  “No,  tha nk   you.   I   ha ven’t   been   thi s   ex cited    about   my
                life   since   tha t   Paolo   Nutini    conc ert    I   went    to   last   yea r.”   She   waves
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