Page 44 - It Ends with Us
P. 44

sea ted   on  top  of  it,  lea ni ng   agains t  the  wall  with  my  leg   stret ched   out

                in  front  of me.
                    “Wel l, the  good new s is tha t it isn’t broken. ”
                    “Wha t’s the  bad new s?” I ask hi m.
                    He  opens  the  firs t aid kit and  says, “You’ll need  to stay off of it for  a
                few  days. Maybe  ev en  a week  or more,  dep end ing  on  ho w it hea ls.”
                    I  close  my  ey es   and   lea n  my  hea d  agains t  the  wall  behi nd   me.   “But

                I ha ve  so much  to do,” I whi ne.
                    He   caref ully   beg ins    to   wrap   my   ank le.    Allysa   is   stand ing    behi nd
                hi m, watchi ng  hi m wrap it.
                    “I’m   thi rsty,”   Marsha ll   says.   “Any body    want    somet hi ng    to   drink ?
                There’ s a CVS across the  street .”
                    “I’m good,” R yle  says.
                    “I’ll take  a water,” I say.

                    “Sprite, ” Allysa says.
                    Marsha ll grabs her  ha nd . “You’re  coming  with. ”
                    Allysa  pulls  her   ha nd   from  hi s  and   crosses   her  arms  over  her  ches t.
                “I’m no t going  any where, ” she  says. “My brother  can’t be  trusted .”
                    “Allysa, it’s fine, ” I tel l her. “He  was making  a joke. ”
                    She   stares   at  me  silent ly  for  a  moment ,  and   then     says,  “Okay.  But

                you can’t fire  me  if he  pulls more  stupid shi t.”
                    “I promise  I won’t fire  you.”
                    Wi th   that,   she   grabs   Marsha ll’s   ha nd    again   and    lea ves    the   room.
                R yle  is still wrapping  my foot when  he  says, “My sister  works for you?”
                    “Yep . Hired  her  a couple  of ho urs ago.”
                    He  rea ches   int o  the  firs t  aid  kit  and   pulls  out  tape.   “You  do  rea lize
                she’s nev er  ha d a job in  her  en tire  life?”

                    “She  alrea dy  warned   me, ”  I  say.  His  jaw  is  tight   and   he  does n’t  look
                as   rel axed    as   he   did   ea rlier.   Then   it   hi ts   me   tha t   he   might    thi nk    I
                hi red   her   as  a  way  to  get   closer  to  hi m.  “I  ha d  no   idea   she   was  your
                sister  unt il you walked  in.  I swea r.”
                    He    glanc es    at   me,    and    then   back   down    at   my   foot.   “I   wasn’t
                sugges ting  you knew.” He  beg ins  to tape  over  the  ACE band age.

                    “I  kno w  you  weren’ t.  I  just  didn’t  want   you  to  thi nk   I  was  trying   to
                trap    you     someho w.      We     want    two    different     thi ng s   from     life,
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