Page 39 - It Ends with Us
P. 39

We  squeez e  int o the  offic e  and  beg in  moving  crates  out one  by one

                and   int o  a  back  room.  I  stand   on  the  cha ir  to  make  the  piles   taller  so
                we’l l ha ve  more  room to move  around .
                    “Thes e   are   per fec t   for   the   wind ow   displays   I   ha ve   in   mind .”   She
                ha nd s  me  two  more  crates   and  walks  away,  and   as  I’m  rea chi ng   on  my
                tiptoes  to stack them  at the  ver y top, the  pile  beg ins  to tumble.  I try to
                find   somet hi ng   to  grab  ho ld  of  for  balanc e,   but  the  crates   kno ck  me

                off  the  cha ir.  When    I  land   on  the  floor,  I  can  feel   my  foot  bend   in  the
                wrong  direc tion.  It’s followed  by a rush  of pain  straight  up my leg  and
                down  to my toes .
                    Allysa  comes   rushi ng   back  into  the      room  and   ha s  to  move  two      of
                the   crates   from  on  top  of  me.   “Lily!”  she    says.  “Oh  my  God,  are      you
                    I   pull   mysel f   up   to   a   sitting    position,    but   don’t   ev en   try   to   put

                wei ght  on  my ank le.  I sha ke  my hea d. “My ank le. ”
                    She  immed iately remo ves  my sho e  and  then  pulls her  pho ne  out of
                her  pocket .  She  beg ins   dialing   a  nu mber  and   then  looks  up  at  me.   “I
                kno w    thi s   is   a   stupid   ques tion,    but   do   you   ha ppen     to   ha ve   a
                ref rigera tor here  with  ice  in  it?”
                    I sha ke  my hea d.

                    “I  fig ured,”  she   says.  She  puts  the  pho ne  on  spea ker  and   set s  it  on
                the   floor    as   she   beg ins    to   roll   up   my   pant    leg .   I   winc e,    but   no t   so
                much  from the  pain.  I just can’t bel iev e  I did somet hi ng  so stupid. If I
                broke  it,  I’m  screw ed .  I  just  spent   my  ent ire  inheri tanc e  on  a  building
                tha t I won’t ev en  be  able  to reno vate  for mont hs .
                    “Heeey,   Issa,”   a   voice   croons    thro ugh   her   pho ne.    “Where   you   at?
                The  game’s over.”

                    Allysa  picks  up  her     pho ne   and  bring s  it  closer    to  her   mouth.   “At
                work. Listen,  I need  . . .”
                    The  guy cuts her  off and  says, “At work? Babe,  you don’t ev en  ha ve  a
                    Allysa    sha kes    her    hea d    and    says,   “Marsha ll,     listen.    It’s   an
                em erg enc y. I thi nk  my boss broke  her  ank le.  I need  you to bring  some

                ice  to . . .”
                    He  cuts  her  off  with  a  laugh.   “Your  boss?  Babe,   you  don’t  ev en  ha ve
                a job,” he  rep ea ts.
                    Allysa rolls her  ey es . “Marsha ll, are  you drunk ?”
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