Page 34 - It Ends with Us
P. 34

Chapter Three

                Six months later

                “Oh. ”

                    That ’s al l she  say s.
                    My  mother      turns   and   asses ses  the   building ,  runni ng   a  fing er   over
                the   wind owsill  nex t  to  her.  She  picks  up  a  layer     of  dust  and   wipes   it
                bet ween  her  fing ers . “It’s . . .”
                    “It  need s  a  lot  of  work,  I  kno w,”  I  int erru pt.  I  point   at  the  wind ows
                behi nd  her. “But look at the  storef ront . It ha s potent ial.”

                    She   scrolls   over   the   wind ows,     no dding .   There’ s    thi s   sound    she
                makes   in  the    back  of  her   thr oat  somet imes ,  where      she   agrees   with  a
                little   hu m   but   her   lips   rema in   tight .   It   mea ns    she   does n’t   ac tual ly
                agree.  And  she  makes  tha t sound . Twice.
                    I drop my arms in  def ea t. “You thi nk  thi s was stupid?”
                    She  gives  her  hea d a slight  sha ke.  “Tha t all dep end s on  ho w it turns
                out,  Lily,”  she   says.  The   building   used   to  ho use  a  res taurant   and   it’s

                still  full  of  old  tables   and   chairs.  My  mother      walks  over    to  a  nea rby
                table  and  pulls out one  of the  cha irs, taking  a sea t. “If thi ng s work out,
                and   your  floral  sho p  is  succes sful,  then     peo ple  will  say  it  was  a  brave,
                bold,  smar t  busine ss  dec ision.   But  if  it  fails  and   you  lose   your   ent ire
                inheri tanc e   . . .”
                    “Then  peo ple  will say it was a stupid busines s dec ision. ”

                    She  shru gs.  “Tha t’s  just  ho w  it  works.  You  majored   in  busines s,  you
                kno w  that.”  She  glanc es   around   the  room,  slowly,  as  if  she’s  seei ng   it
                the  way  it  will  look  a  mont h  from  no w.  “Just  make  sure  it’s  brave  and
                bold, Lily.”
                    I  smile.   I  can   acc ept  that .  “I  can’t  bel iev e  I  bought   it  witho ut  asking
                you firs t,” I say, taking  a sea t at the  table.
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