Page 38 - It Ends with Us
P. 38

“Okay,”    I   say.   “Wha t   if,   ins tea d   of   sho wcasing    the   sweet   side   of

                flowers ,  we  sho wcased   the  villai nous  side?  Ins tea d  of  pink   accent s,  we
                use   darker    colors,  like   a  dee p  purple    or   ev en   black.  And   ins tea d  of
                just spring  and  life,  we  also cel eb rate  wint er  and  dea th. ”
                    Allysa’s  ey es   are  wide.   “But  .  .  .  wha t  if  someo ne  want s  pink  flowers ,
                tho ugh?”
                    “Wel l,  we’l l  still  give  them   what  they   want ,  of  course.   But  we’l l  also

                give  them  wha t they  don’t know they  want .”
                    She   scratches    her   cheek .   “So   you’re   thi nk ing    blac k   flowers ?”   She
                looks  conc erned ,  and   I  don’t  blame  her.  She’s  onl y  seei ng   the  darkes t
                side  of  my  vision.   I  take  a  sea t  at  the  table  again  and   try  to  get   her  on
                    “Someo ne  onc e  told  me  tha t  there       is  no   such  thi ng   as  bad  peo ple.
                We’re    all  just  peo ple  who   somet imes   do  bad  thi ng s.  Tha t  stuck  with

                me,  bec ause  it’s so true.  We’v e  all got a little  bit of good and  ev il in  us.
                I  want   to  make  tha t  our  them e.   Ins tea d  of  paint ing   the  walls  a  putrid
                sweet    color,   we   paint    them    dark    purple    with    black   accent s.   And
                ins tea d   of   onl y   putting    out   the   usual   pastel    displays   of   flowers    in
                boring   crystal  vases   tha t  make  peo ple  thi nk   of  life,   we  go  ed gy.  Brave
                and  bold. We  put out displays of darker  flowers  wrapped  in  thi ng s like

                lea ther   or   silver   cha ins .   And    rather   tha n   put   them    in   crystal   vases ,
                we’l l  stick  them   in  black  ony x  or   .  .  .  I  don’t  kno w  .  .  .  purple  vel vet
                vases   lined   with  silver  studs.  The  idea s  are  end les s.”  I  stand   up  again.
                “There     are  floral  sho ps  on  ev er y  corner    for  peo ple  who   love  flowers .
                But wha t floral sho p caters  to all the  peo ple  who  hat e flowers ?”
                    Allysa sha kes  her  hea d. “None  of them ,” she  whi spers .
                    “Exactly. None  of them. ”

                    We   stare   at   ea ch   other   for   a   moment ,   and    then   I   can’t   take   it
                ano ther  sec ond . I’m bursting  with  ex citem ent  and  I just start laughi ng
                like  a  giddy  chi ld.  Allysa  starts  laughi ng ,  too,  and   she    jumps  up  and
                hu gs me.  “Lily, it’s so twisted , it’s brilliant !”
                    “I  kno w!”   I’m  full  of  renew ed  energ y.  “I  need   a  des k  so  I  can     sit
                down     and    make   a   busines s   plan!    But   my   future   offic e   is   full   of   old

                veg et able  crates !”
                    She  walks  toward  the  back  of  the  store.   “Wel l,  let ’s  get   them   out  of
                there  and  go buy you a des k!”
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