Page 48 - It Ends with Us
P. 48
Chapter Four
It takes me ha lf an ho ur to make it from my car to my apartment . I
called Lucy twice to see if she could hel p me, but she didn’t ans wer
her pho ne. Wh en I make it inside my apartment , I’m a little irri tated
to see her lying on the couch with the pho ne to her ea r.
I slam our front door behi nd me and she glanc es up. “Wha t
ha ppened to you?” she asks.
I use the wall for support as I ho p toward the ha llway. “Sprained my
ank le. ”
When I make it to my bed room door, she yel ls, “Sorr y I didn’t
ans wer the pho ne! I’m talking to Alex ! I was gonna call you back!”
“It’s fin e! ” I ho ller back at her, and then slam my bed room door
shu t. I go to the bathro om and find some old pain pills I had stuffed
int o a cabinet . I swallow two of them and then fall ont o my bed and
stare up at the cei ling .
I can’t bel iev e I’ll be stuck in thi s apartment for an ent ire week . I
grab my pho ne and tex t my mother.
Sprained my ankle. I’m fin e, but can I send you a list of things to grab for
me at the store?
I drop my pho ne ont o my bed , and for the firs t time sinc e she
moved here, I’m tha nk ful my mother lives fairly close to me. It
actually ha sn’t been tha t bad. I thi nk I like her more no w tha t my
father ha s passed away. I kno w it’s bec ause I he ld a lot of res ent ment
toward her for nev er lea ving hi m. Even tho ugh a lot of tha t
res ent ment ha s faded when it comes to my mother, I still ha ve the
same feel ing s when I thi nk of my father.
It can’t be good, still ho lding on to so much bitternes s toward my
father. But dammit, he was awful. To my mother, to me, to Atlas.
Atlas .
I’ve been so busy with my mother’ s move and sec ret ly sea rchi ng for
a new building bet ween work ho urs, I ha ven’t ha d time to fini sh