Page 46 - Poze Magazine Volume 77
P. 46


                              POZE MAGAZINE

                                  Q &A WITH COLIN LILLIE


              For  the  piano,  I  had  been
              listening  to  Elton  John's
              “Tumbleweed  Connection  ''
              and I wanted to look at that
              tone  and  Liam  Kennedy-
              Clark,  one  half  of  the
              award-winning         “Wicker                                     Why?  I  am  only  human,
              Suit”.  The  other  half  was    if  I  don’t  commit  to  being  and  I  have  to  accept  the
              Gabi  Louise,  who  played       the      most       authentic,   worst of who I am so I can
              fiddle  to  offer  a  bit  of  my  vulnerable,  honest,  and  true
              past  and  Scottish  roots.  All  individual I can be, then I am  love the best of who I am. I
                                                                                can't change my past, but I
              in  all,  I  believe  that  with  all  cheating  myself,  my  family,  can learn from it and grow
              these  influences  and  my       my    friends,    and     most
              authentic       lyrics     and   importantly, my music.           from it. This is why "Honky
              delivery,  the  track  is  a  true                                Tonk       Southern      Sky''
                                                                                reflects  an  enduring  spirit
              homage to Honky Tonk with
              modern digital production.       If I am to be the best version   of perseverance and inner
                                               of myself every day, I cannot    strength  that  those  who
                                               subscribe to or compromise       came  before  me  stayed
              How  does  "Honky  Tonk
              Southern  Sky"  reflect  the     with  the  idea  that  I  must   true  to  their  core  beliefs,
              enduring        spirit      of   surrender  who  I  am  or  be    even  if  it  meant  sharing
              perseverance      and    inner   controlled  by  the  idea  that  the good, the bad, and the
              strength?                        who  I  am  on  the  outside  is  ugly of who they were
                                               more  important  than  who  I    Can  you  tell  us  about  the
              There     will   always     be   am  on  the  inside.  I  am  15  emotions  and  experiences
              incredible,   inspiring   men    years clean and sober. I am      you  channeled  into  writing
              and  women  who  perform         not  perfect,  but  I  see       "The Ballad of Evey"?
              and    sing,   but   for   me    failings  in  myself  every  day,
              personally,                      and that is a beautiful thing.

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