Page 11 - Poze Magazine Vol.36a (International Issue)
P. 11

When did you realize you had a career as an Influencer, Artist and

          You see, I never realized that. I just did it for a hobby and wanted to see where it
          would take me, but I didn’t take it seriously at all. So many people would tell my
          mom that I need to be out there and have a gift. I never really took that in until I

          got older and started wanting to do it more, and then I was like, okay maybe I
          need to take this serious, so I did. The minute I kept going to auditions everyday,

          I didn’t want to stop, and that’s when I realized that maybe I have more to offer.

          What were the biggest challenges you have faced, and how
          did you overcome them?

          The biggest challenges I had to face were struggling at a young age and seeing
          my mom as a single mother, working three jobs, trying to put a roof over our
          head and food on the table. She would always spend her last dime on all the

          auditions she would take me to, and scrape through all the change in our house
          to take the bus or train. She gave up her dreams for my dreams to come true.

          There’s days we would go to hotels to motels or sleep in parks, and use our
          clothes as our blankets. I had to grow up at a young age. Every time I wouldn’t
          get a role, I would get so mad at myself because I wanted that money to help my

          mom so I wouldn’t have to see her struggle anymore. I honestly can say though
          that I’m grateful for whatever struggles I endured because they taught me how

          to love and be kind to others. You truly don’t know anyone’s story. It taught me
          to be thankful for everything that I have and the people in my life. It taught me
          how to be a strong woman in a crazy world. My mom never made it seem like we

          never had, she always turned bad into a fairytale because at the end of the day I
          knew I had her, so I overcame these obstacles and hardships in my life knowing

          that I’m good and will make it having a positive mindset and only seeing this
          struggle as a challenge that I will overcome.

          What piece of advice do you wish someone had given you at the

          start of your career?
          The piece of advice I wish someone told me in getting into the industry is to stop
          being so hard on yourself, what’s meant to be will be. Patience is the key. I use to

          be so hard on myself and till this day, when I didn’t get a role, I felt like I let down
          so many people who believed in me, but most of all myself. I wish someone told

          me that it’s going to be okay and there’s a reason everything happens, before I
          doubted myself. But life’s a lesson and I’m grateful for whatever is meant to be.
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