Page 9 - Poze Magazine Vol.36a (International Issue)
P. 9
Taking Life by the Wheel & Manifesting Destiny
From Rocky Road to Paving the Way Toward Success,
Ariena Vasquez is a Beacon of Inspiration for Many
“The Dream is
Ariena is no stranger Free, the Hustle is
to the grind. Growing Sold Separately” —
up with a single Ariena Vasquez.
mom, she
experienced the Ariena decided the victim
struggle of life first- mentality in life was
hand. Sometimes going to be a thing of the
sleeping at parks, past. Mentality can make
hotels, motels, and you or break you. For
using clothes as Ariena, she took the
blankets, she would struggle and changed it
lay at night for the better. Now
contemplating how Ariena is a social media
she could help the influencer inspiring
situation. Ariena others with her story and
watched her mom working with several
struggle working brands to reach the
three jobs to support young adult generations.
her only child. Giving Ariena is also in the
up on her own studio working on music
dreams, like so about love, loss, and the
many parents do, to story of so many can
do whatever she relate to in feeling used-
could to support and up. She continues to
provide for Ariena. At push forward. Ariena
a young age, Ariena landed a movie role and
had a dream to will soon be seen
make money and nationwide.
help her mom.
Ariena Vasquez