Page 5 - Poze Magazine Vol.36a (International Issue)
P. 5

3) How did it come about for you
                                                                together      which      was      SpaceX’s
     being able to pick up work for                             demo one launch show and we

     celebrities like Katy Perry, The                           combined 3 different types of
     Styx, The Pop, and others?                                 broadcasts, an d one we engaged

                                                                with social media. We made it a
     You know it’s really nice working at
                                                                really big deal because that’s
     a company like NASA because
                                                                exactly what is it is and it turned
     pretty much everybody knows and
                                                                out fantastic. So winning that
     loves NASA, and you’d be surprised                         Emmy, at first it didn’t feel real
     at how many celebrities turn into a                        because with such a big team they

     5-year-old whatever they’re getting                        only had a few representatives go

     into with NASA, and my job includes                        to the award ceremony, so once
     whenever we have those folks came                          we found out that we won it was

     on-site is to basically follow them                        exciting, but it didn’t feel real until
     around for the day, capturing audio                        the statue came in afterwards,

     with them and you hang out with                            and my name was written on an
     these celebrities, people that you                         Emmy that I’ve seen people like

     look up to, all day! And I was even                        Ellen and Oprah holding!

     lucky enough to have The Styx on
     my podcast so I got the chance to

     interview them and it was great.

     4) You also even had the huge

     honor of winning an Emmy
     award. What was the experience

     like the moment you found out

     that you won?

     This was a team Emmy, so it was

     won by the multimedia team that
     does video, audio, and graphics

     from Johnson Space Center in

     Florida, and also with SpaceX in
     California, so all 3 of us won this

     collective award because of the
     show that we all worked on
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