Page 4 - Poze Magazine Vol.36a (International Issue)
P. 4
1) So to start off, a lot of people
don’t know what audio engineering
entails, so can you tell us exactly
what you do for your job for NASA?
So audio engineering is broad. You can
do live TV, which pretty much is what I
do, you can do it for movies, music, in
the studio and going on tours, so
audio engineering is what you call all
of us together but when you get into
it you have your Live TV, mixing, and
mastering engineers. But what I do for
NASA, I am the lead audio engineer work, but I wanted to do more with
for live TV broadcasting for audio so I started searching places like
LinkedIn and and
International Space Station in and looked for
Houston, Texas. I also am the Chief
different job opportunities and I came
engineer of NASA’s podcast “Houston
across this one job that didn’t
We Have A Podcast”, and I also do
particularly say NASA, it said ‘I’m a
audio work for their YouTube videos,
federal contractor’, and it had the
Facebook lives, and pretty much contractor’s name on it and I had no
expanded all over now. idea who these people were, but the
job description matched exactly what I
wanted to do, so I filled out the
2) How did you land a career like
application. But I didn’t find out that it
this working for NASA a such a
was about NASA until I got to the area
young age? which was really interesting. But you’d
It’s very interesting. So I graduated be surprised of what kind of jobs are
from college in 2015, and I had this hidden on websites like Indeed and
part time job doing corporate AV other job search sites.