Page 13 - Poze Magazine Vol.36a (International Issue)
P. 13

What bridges are you glad you burned?
      Toxic people who kept pushing me down. I learned so much from them, so I’m glad

      it’s over with now. It definitely mentally drained me, being there for people and
      never getting the same energy reciprocated back, or others using me for there own
      selfish reasons. So getting rid of them taught me a lesson that in this world you’ve

      only got yourself, and the real ones will stick with you through thick and thin.

      What are you currently working on?
      I’ve been done with it for a little bit but it should be coming out soon nationwide, so
      I’m excited about it and can’t wait for everyone to see another side of me.

      What is the motto you live by?
      Looks fade away but a good heart and intellectual mind will always remain.

      What are you hoping people can take away from you?

      I hope people can one day take my knowledge and the actions I show, and make this
                                                              world a better place. Hopefully I can be
                                                              an influence and change for our

                                                              generations now and to come. I hope
                                                              that people can also see that I’m not just

                                                              a pretty face with a body, I’m more than
                                                              that. I have a story and there’s more to
                                                              be than what’s on the outside. I want

                                                              people to focus on what’s on the inside
                                                              and to never judge a book by its cover. I

                                                              feel as people see me as a dumb pretty
                                                              girl and they never see my personality or
                                                              who I truly am. This generation focuses

                                                              on looks and who’s the hottest that they
                                                              forget what’s on the inside. I think a

                                                              woman and man who are smart,
                                                              beautiful and kind is hot. Hopefully,
                                                              people can see me more than what they



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