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Len Goodman, a British ballroom
dancer, choreographer, and
television personality, died on
April 24, 2023, at the age of 78.
He was best known for his role
as a judge on the U.S. version of
Dancing with the Stars, which he
served on for 15 seasons.
Goodman was born in Islington,
London, in 1944. He began
dancing at the age of 10 and
quickly rose through the ranks of
the British ballroom dancing
scene. He won the British Open
Professional Ballroom
Championship in 1970 and 1971.
In 1975, Goodman moved to
the United States to pursue a
career in television. He began
appearing as a judge on the
U.S. version of Dancing with The other judges on Dancing with Tonioli is known for his
the Stars in 2005. He quickly the Stars are Carrie Ann Inaba and flamboyant personality and his
became a fan favorite for his Bruno Tonioli. Inaba is an colorful commentary. He is not
wit and sharp tongue. American television personality, afraid to be over-the-top and to
Goodman retired from Dancing dancer, and choreographer. She have fun with the show.
with the Stars in 2020. He has been a judge on Dancing with
continued to work in television the Stars since its inception in Inaba and Tonioli are both
and made appearances on 2005. Tonioli is an Italian-British respected judges in the ballroom
shows such as The Talk and television personality, dancer, and dancing community. They have
The View. choreographer. He has been a both won numerous awards for
Goodman was a beloved judge on Dancing with the Stars their dancing and their
figure in the ballroom dancing since 2005. choreography. They are also both
community and in the world of popular with fans of Dancing with
television. He will be Inaba is known for her tough but the Stars.
remembered for his talent, his fair judging. She is not afraid to In addition to Inaba and Tonioli,
wit, and his passion for dance. give contestants low scores if she there have been several other
feels they deserve them. judges on Dancing with the Stars
However, she is also known for over the years.
her positive feedback and her
encouragement of contestants.