Page 24 - Poze magazine 58
P. 24
I am very well known in my town and alot of other places
where my music is played. I have been in the business of
LISA writing music for 20 years and recording for 6 years. I have
been interviewed On several radio stations and have
MARIE performed in Many shows, events, festivals and concerts.
My songs are being played on radio stations all over the
world. I have many social media pages and my personal
website, where people can learn about me and my music.
I am very blessed to have this talent to write music and
sing, I have over 150 songs written to this day that I am in
the process of recording. My second album is Called, Step
into the light, which was released in 2021.
My third album called Beyond blessed was released March
2023. I do weekly shows on Facebook and I am a guest
also on many podcasts online. I also write songs for people
that ask and sing on other artists' tracks when asked.
I have won many awards from all different companies for
my songwriting and vocals. I was just nominated for the
ISSA awards for best songwriter, rising star and vocalist.
My music is available on all platforms and my videos are on
my youtube channel. My main goal is to share the word of
God with the world. I always give all the glory and honor to
him. I want my music to touch people and help to change
P O Z E M A G A Z I N E the world one soul at a time.