Page 31 - Poze Magazine Volume 79
P. 31


                                  REVIEW: BEN E ZANDER


                                                         PHOTOGRAGHY BY NAT GOLDIE

        I take a lot of pride in my ability                       (@ARTBYGOLDIE)
        to guide crowds to those
        different places. Music can          “It’s funny because the name         I wanted to curate
        definitely heal and soothe, our      actually comes from a type of        inclusive dance music
        bodies react physically to           hops my husband and I used to        environments more than
        music, it’s a really strong force    brew our own beer at home            anything. It wasn’t until I
        and as DJs and music                 during Covid. The hop is             started throwing parties
        producers we have an                 Azacca, and I just thought it        and DJing as an opener for
        opportunity to really impact         sounded cool, so I changed the       my parties that I realized I
        the way people feel which is         spelling to create a new word        actually had a knack for it
        amazing.”                            and ran with it. It wasn’t until     and a unique perspective
        I love stories, and details of       later that I realized ‘Azzecca’ is   to share with people
        origin stories fascinate! I’m        also a conjugation of the Italian    through my own
        inclined to exploring how            word which means “doesn’t            selections.”
        artists find their identities,       miss”—it was meant to be!”
        choose their monikers, and           Secondly, I inquired whether
        enter the performing space,          she aspired to ascend the
        professionally. “Azzecca” is of      stage as a performer. “To be
        Italian heritage, and I asked if     honest, my entry into music
        the word azzecare, an Italian        wasn’t out of a desire to be on
        word meaning “to hit a target,”      stage at all.
        had any influence.                                            

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