Page 61 - Poze Magazine Volume 72
P. 61



            For the past few decades, I've been a
            veteran  science  teacher,  sharing  my
            passion  for  all  things  scientific  with
            eager  young  minds.  Seeing  the  spark
            of  curiosity  in  my  students'  eyes  is
            what keeps me going every day. And
            now,  I'm  on  the  path  to  earning  my
            doctorate in administration, because I

            believe  in  constantly  growing  and
            expanding  my  knowledge  to  become
            the best educator I can be.

                                          But teaching isn't my only domain. I'm also a power lifter
                                          and  power  lifting  coach.  There's  something  incredibly

                                          empowering  about  pushing  your  physical  limits  and
                                          discovering just how strong you can be. And I'm not just
                                          talking  about  lifting  weights,  I  also  coach  others  in  this
                                          discipline, helping them tap into their own inner strength
                                          and achieve their fitness goals.

                                          When  I'm  not  in  the  gym  or  the  classroom,  you  can
                                          find  me  on  the  softball  field,  coaching  a  fast  pitch

                                          softball  team.  I  love  the  camaraderie  and  teamwork
                                          that  sports  bring,  and  being  able  to  pass  on  my
                                          knowledge  and  passion  for  the  game  to  the  next
                                          generation is important to me.

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