Page 62 - Poze Magazine Volume 72
P. 62

2024                                                               POZE MAGAZINE

                  JESSIE KENNEDY BROWN

                 I  am  also  an  actress  who  has  been        In  the  suspenseful  rollercoaster
                 fortunate  enough  to  work  on                 "Night  of  the  Falling  Stars,"  I
                 various    remarkable      productions.         embraced  the  adrenaline  rush  of
                 From  the  intense  psychological
                 thriller  "The  Ritual  Killer,"  where  I      playing an alien. I was a part of the
                 played  Coach  Betty  Knox  to  the
                 poignant drama "You Can Never Go                Movement"  a  riveting  retelling  of
                                                                 the  true  story  of  Emmitt  Till  which
                 Home      Again,"    which      explored
                 themes  of  love,  lust,  and  a  woman         allowed  me  to  help  shine  a  light  on
                                                                 the  struggles  and  triumphs  of
                 who  would  do  anything  to  take
                 someone      else's    husband,     each        courageous  women  who  fought  for
                                                                 civil rights.
                 project  has  been  an  exhilarating
                 journey of self-discovery.
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