Page 63 - Poze Magazine Volume 72
P. 63
Now, here's a fun fact about me
– I'm a concert junkie! There's
just something magical about
live music that makes my heart
sing., especially if it's heavy
metal! Whenever my favorite
bands or artists come to town,
you can bet I'll be there, dancing
and singing my heart out.
This helps me heal from the grief I
Nature is another love of mine. endure after losing my husband 6
I'm a firm believer in the healing years ago. And with my Choctaw
power of being surrounded by heritage, I have a deep respect for
Mother Earth's beauty. Whether the land and a desire to protect it
it's hiking through the for future generations.
mountains, strolling along the
beach, or simply sitting in a park, My Christian faith and my is the
I find solace and inspiration in guiding force behind everything I
nature's embrace. do. It reminds me to be kind,
compassionate, and to always
strive for personal growth. It's a
source of strength and comfort,
and it shapes the way I interact
POZE MAGAZINE with the world.