Page 14 - Qavah
P. 14

itself into nonexistence. What filled the air now  surroundings  became  more  foreign,  and  she  She turned back, I stood still, not wanting to
        was fear and grief.                    failed to attend to bodily instincts, resulting in  perturb  the  moment,  and  then  just  for  a
                                               physical  injuries  and  violent  outbursts.  Latha  moment, a single exhilarating second I caught a
        “She’s asleep”                         grew  wearier  of  my  delay;  every  day  was  a  soft, knowing smile spread across her face. She
                                               reminder that I had nothing left to fight for.   turned back, reciting the incomplete poem. We
        Latha took the seat next to me. “It’s getting  The night before her admission was one of gloom,  stood together for what might have been hours
        worse; we have to take her to the facility”  the clouds rolled in, immersing the moon in its  reminiscing a past, stitching together an unsure

        I could sense the apprehension in her voice. Two  shadows, the garden remained plain, with buds  future.
        months, that was the time given to me, by this  that refused to bloom, I was left with a mockery
        time,  if  mother  showed  no  signs  of  of my hope, hope that mother would recognize  “Soft voices had they, that with tender plea
        improvement, I had to take her to the facility.  me just once, hold me, caress me and laugh at my  Whisper'd of peace, and truth, and friendliness
        For a year I convinced myself that won’t be my  failed attempt at reviving the past.. I sank to the  unquell'd.” I mused.
        mother, she won’t be put in a position to be  floor, hugging myself, from deep within, muffled  Our story was not done after all.
        taken care of, but my state of denial could not  sobs racked my body, convulsing with fear and
        go any longer.                         pain.
         I glanced at the garden, amongst the weeds,
        the dry rose bush pushed through, clawing its  The  week  scheduled  for  mother’s  admission
        way for survival. All of a sudden my eyes glinted,  neared, a deafening silence engulfed the house.
        watching the weak-dry leaves cling for dear life.  She watched me like a stranger, observing my
        “Will you help me with something, Latha?”   actions with distrust. My smiles were met with
        “You  know,  that’s  not  going  to  work”  she  hesitation.
        whispered watching my eyes light up with hope.
         “It’s worth a try”                    17th October, finally made its way, Latha was

          The  next  two  months  were  spent  on  the  helping me pack, trying to make conversation,
        garden, Latha helped me despite her doubts.  hesitant to approach the dreaded subject.
        She'd  worked  with  countless  patients  with  Mother was making her way downstairs, Latha
        dementia,  watching  them  slowly  turn  into  got up to help.
        strangers to their own bodies. But she remained
        silent through my 'project'. Yet her silence rang  “Let her, this was her home. Let her walk around
        through my ears, it was a reminder of the futility  a bit… before…”
        and naivety of the truth I fought to accept. What
        remained of my mother was merely a physical  After our packing, we made our way down. What
        reminder of the person who once was my home.  stood before our eyes was beyond either of our
        She had travelled too far, too fast for my nimble  comprehension. The living room was filled with
        fingers to grasp.                      the sweet smell of roses in bloom, the garden
                                               was filled with roses that danced to the tunes of
        The rose bushes remained stubborn, it refused  the wind, proudly unfurling its petals to soak in
        to bloom despite of my tiresome and persistent  the  sunlight.  Mother  stood  watching  them,
        care. Its obstinate nature reminded me of her,  unaware of our presence. As I moved closer I
        after all this was her project.        caught her softly murmuring a forgotten tune,
        Through it all, mother remained in her room, her   “But when…thy roses…
        animosity towards me took deeper roots, her     My sense…deliciousness… spell'd:”…
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