Page 9 - Qavah
P. 9

freshly brewed coffee that added to his nervousness.
                                                              He heard a faint-strong voice, the kind that is steady
                                                              yet unpredictable, a woman around her mid-thirties
                                                              welcomed him to the room.

                                                              She sat there with observant eyes, in one hand she
                                                              held  his  profile  with  the  other  was  holding  a  pen
                                                              pointing at the diary that lay in front of her, “Good
                                                              morning  Adam,  I  am  Evelyn  Mosby.  Nice  to  meet
                                                              you.”, smiled Evelyn, batting her long beautiful lashes
                                                              but not at Adam’s sweaty palms that shook her hand,
                                                              but at his eyes that showed signs of fear .“So, how are
                                                              you  feeling  this  morning?”  Adam  with  a  very
                                                              confident  face  replied,  “It’s  a  great  morning  Ms
                                                              Mosby. It’s positive and welcoming and being here to
                                                              share  my  thoughts  with  you  shows  how  much  our
                                                              organization cares for its employees.” Evelyn took a
                                                              long pause, her brows frowned for a second and before
                                      Artwork: Ilaria Urbanatti  Adam could notice she smiled back, meeting him with
                                                              a similarly rehearsed enthusiasm, “Glad to know!”
                                3.                            Adam  made  a  nervous  shift  that  made  the  leather

                                                              creek,  he  had  to  outwit  her,  it  was  6:30  and  the
           A Day At The Therapist                             session  would  end  in  another  20  minutes,  he  was
           A Day At The Therapist
                                                              determined  to  finish  this  as  fast  as  possible.  While
                                                              Adam was mustering up courage, Evelyn intervened,
           Adam  was  nervous.  It  would  have  been  just   “So, Adam, what do you think about this new policy of
           another boring day at work, but no!!! His BOSS     counselling?  …  However,  it  seems  like  you  already
           had  to  make  all  his  employees  go  through    knew about it...” Blood rushed down his face, but he
           therapy   to    add   on    the   company’s        continued to smile, wishing he could dig a hole and
           website-“Employee Uplifting Programme” we          crawl in it, she continued
           care for our people.  He couldn’t believe he was    "What have you accomplished during your career? "
           sitting in the waiting room at the therapist for   " I am proud to have been included in several projects
           his  turn.  He  wanted  to  end  this  as  soon  as  by my boss. Being part of those teams has been my
           possible and head home. He had already asked       greatest achievement." The answers seem vague and
           his  colleagues  about  the  questions  and  had   rehearsed, Evelyn noted.
           made a mental note to himself- “ Okay! It’s        "And,  Adam,  what  are  your  future  goals  with  this
           going  to  be  alright,  try  not  to  give  in  too  company?"
                                                              Adam now thorough of his rehearsed answer, blurted,
           He was called up next. With hesitant feet and      " At the moment, I am quite satisfied with my role, but
           trembling  hands,  he  opened  ,he  opened  the    if given any other...I am up for it...Thank you!”. Just as
           door  to  the  therapist’s  office.  He  looked    he  was  about  to  say  goodbye,  Evelyn  continued….
           around, it was the perfect sanity of a neatly      ‘Well that’s great! Now tell me what is your workday
           placed couch next to an arch-shaped window,        like?'
           the sky clear light pink and the fragrance of
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