Page 8 - Qavah
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They forgot how wonderfully the Lord had led  they were instructed to explore the land, to find ” The Lord will always be with us in times of
   them out of Egypt. When others saw the giants,  out what kind of country was it, how many trouble. So let us have our hope in the Lord
   Caleb saw God! They said we can’t, but Caleb  people were there, and other such instructions  who has given us this life and will be with us
   said  we  can!  They  saw  the  problems,  while                                forevermore
   Caleb saw the promises of God. He saw the  They  were  not  supposed  to  criticize  or  give
   future with eyes of faith and not with eyes of  their opinion. They were sent to find out the
   fear.  Hope  in  the  Lord  led  him  to  have  a  facts. They returned with the facts as well as
   fearless faith.                          with a conclusion that there is no hope ahead.
                                                                                                         -Joel John
                                            Only Caleb and Joshua saw the future with
                                                                                                        Immanuel MTC
   Hope which led him to have a Courageous  hope. Caleb trusted in the Lord and so he could
   Commitment                               see a good future because that was the promise

    The spies explored the land and came back.  of the Lord. Hope in the Lord led him to have a
   They  said  that  the  land  was  very  rich  and  vision for a cause.
   fertile just as the promised land should be. But
   the  people  living  there  were  powerful  giants.  Caleb was a man who had an unbreakable
   Caleb said that they can overcome the giants  faith and hope in the Lord and so he was able
   living there because it was the promised land.  to  stand  for  truth  even  when  he  was
   He dared to stand for what was right and of  surrounded by lies. We should follow Caleb's
   God even when everyone was against it. Spies  example  by  having  faith,  commitment,  and
   are characterized as fearless, strong and one’s  vision  for  the  work  we  are  assigned,  and
   with a lot of courage and so were the eleven of  placing  our  hope  in  the  Lord.  During  this
   them but what set Caleb and Joshua apart was  pandemic,  Dr  Soumya  Swaminathan,    the
   the  commitment  to  the  cause.  Based  on  the  World  Health  Organization's  (WHO)  chief
   report  of  the  ten  spies,  the  Israelites  started  scientist said that India seems to be entering
   crying  in  distress  and  complained  to  Moses.  some  stage  of  endemicity  and  a  disease  is
   Israelites  would  have  figured  if  their  bravest  described as endemic only when it continues to
   and strongest were telling this, then there was  be present within a given geographical area.
   no way forward. But here we get to see the  The future is going to be tough. Just as every
   remarkable commitment of Caleb who believed  lock comes with a key, our problems also have
   that  as  long  as  God  was  on  their  side,  they  a solution and for that, we must lay our hope
   could overcome any crisis. Caleb sticks to what  in the Lord. According to Leonard Sweet and
   he said and trusts in the promises of God. And  Frank  Viola  in  their  book  'Jesus  Speaks',
   that  is  why  he  tears  his  clothes  along  with  “Jesus is always present, yet absent. It sounds a
   Moses, Aaron and Joshua and appeals to the  bit loopy, but this is the way, the truth and life.”
   people not to rebel against the Lord. Hope in the  It is important to believe and put our trust in
   Lord  led  him  to  have  a  courageous  God because he makes everything beautiful at
   commitment.                              the right time. “But those who trust in the Lord
                                            for help will find their strength renewed. They
    Hope which led him to have a Vision for a  will rise on the wings like eagles; they will run
   Cause                                    and  not  get  weary;  they  will  walk  and  not
   When the ten spies responded negatively, Caleb  grow weak. (Isaiah 40:31) The only thing that
   responded positively because he could visualize  we need to remember is that our God is the one
   the victory which the Lord was going to give  who  can  provide  for  all  our  needs  and
   them. Now when Moses had sent the spies,   necessities because the Lord is ‘Jehovah-Jireh’.
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