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                     Renderings of The New Terminal One at JFK, which is scheduled to open in 2026.

              The New Terminal One at JFK launches Global Duty Free RFP

                  The Port Authority of New York   space provided in future phases. As part   cuisine and experiential categories. The
              and New Jersey (PANYNJ), The New   of the RFP, the operator must include   collection is expected to include several
              Terminal One (NTO) and Unibail-    at least 30 percent airport concessions   first-to-airport market brands as well as
              Rodamco-Westfield (URW) Airports have   disadvantaged business enterprise   a focus on unique products, food, and
              announced the launch of the commercial   (ACDBE) participation and incorporate   beverage sourced from local makers,
              program for the privately funded $9.5   a minimum of 5 percent of local business   purveyors, and farmers.
              billion all-international terminal scheduled   enterprise (LBE) product in their shop floor   The state-of-the-art terminal design
              to open in 2026 as part of the $19 billion   product mix, complementary to the overall   incorporates a range of emotions one feels
              transformation of John F. Kennedy   merchandising plan.              while in New York — from the luxury
              International Airport (JFK) in New York.   URW Airports is committed to   excitement and vibrancy of the Met Gala
                  The commercial vision will     lowering barriers to entry and providing   to the charm of the city’s neighborhood
              converge New York City favorites, global   technical assistance and support to ensure   pockets and the lush nature of New York’s
              powerhouse brands, engaging guest   The New Terminal One reflects the rich   parks. Passengers will get a taste of Queens
              experiences and thoughtful amenities under   diversity of its communities, creates   through both cuisine and aesthetics, with
              one spectacular roof.              strong career paths for local students and   all five boroughs represented throughout
                  When fully complete, the New   workers, and fosters impactful partnerships   the terminal, says the tender announcement.
              Terminal One will be the largest terminal at   with local organizations and programs    “The launch of the commercial
              JFK, with 23 gates and more than 300,000   including the Port Authority’s Institute of   program for the New Terminal One is
              square feet of retail, dining and lounge   Concessions (IOC).        an important milestone as we advance
              space over a total footprint of 2.4 million   The team is creating a dynamic offer   towards our scheduled opening in 2026,”
              square feet.                       of right-sized opportunities to provide   said Dr. Gerrard P. Bushell, president and
                                                 flexible entry points for ACDBEs and   CEO of The New Terminal One. “We
              Global Duty Free RFP Issued        LBEs that balance customer preferences   are proud to partner with URW Airports
                  As an important project milestone,   and commercial objectives while growing   to launch a world-class retail experience
              URW Airports issued its first prime   the capacity of local businesses to help   featuring global brands and local New York
              operator Request for Proposals (RFP)   them reach their ultimate success.  businesses, reflecting the dazzling array
              and is seeking an innovative and bold   International Shoppes is the current   of offerings that our great city is known
              global duty free partner to achieve its   duty free concessionaire at Terminal 1.   for. Our food and beverage selection will
              vision and connect with the vibrant local                            showcase a rich diversity of cuisines and
              maker and vendor community to feature   Commercial Vision            flavors inspired by the tapestry of cultures
              local products. The tender is offered as   The new experience will combine a   that make up New York City, while
              a single package covering five outlets in   curated mix of luxury brands, premium   driving real economic opportunities in our
              the project’s initial phase, with additional   apparel, New York’s signature global   community for generations to come.”

               Summit of the Americas  April 2024                           12

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