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              DEN Sets All-Time Passenger Traffic Record in 2023

                  Denver International Airport (DEN)   during the year. Every single month set an   year, accounting for 9.6% of total market
              set a new record last year, serving more   all-time record in terms of passenger traffic   share and the carrier’s highest volume since
              than 70 million annual passengers in 2023.   volume. In addition, DEN recorded its five   2019.
              During the year, DEN’s carriers served   busiest months in history during the year.  Although 2023 now also ranks as
              77,837,917 passengers, a 12.3% increase   2023 marked the first year in   DEN’s busiest year ever in terms of
              over the 69,286,461 passengers served in   history for DEN to exceed four million   origination and destination (O&D) traffic,
              2022, the previous record.         annual international passengers: a total   the growth was just 0.1% over 2019, the
                  “2023 was a year of extraordinary   of 4,036,545 international passengers   previous busiest year for O&D passengers.
              growth for DEN and I am proud of the   used the airport in 2023, an increase of   Connecting passengers propelled DEN’s
              airport team for the ways that we have   21.5% as compared to 2022.  Each month   extraordinary growth in 2023 on an
              adjusted our strategies, invested in new   was a new record, and July 2023 was   increase of 35.7% as compared to 2019.
              technologies and worked to meet the   the first month ever to record more than   Total cargo volume at DEN in
              moment while also continuing to prepare   400,000 international passengers. In total,   2023 surpassed 680 million tons, a 5.9%
              for the future,” said DEN CEO Phil   international passengers accounted for   decrease as compared to 2022 but a
              Washington. “It is incumbent upon us   5.2% of DEN’s traffic in 2023, up from the   1.4% increase as compared to 2019. In
              to ensure the airport’s infrastructure can   pre-pandemic level of 4.6% in 2019.  2023, cargo volume on passenger carriers
              continue to accommodate the growth we   DEN’s two largest carriers, United   exceeded 2022 volume by 8.1% while
              expect and that’s why our Vision 100   and Southwest, set all-time passenger   volume on all-cargo carriers declined by
              strategic plan is focused on preparing   records in 2023. United served more than   10%.
              the airport to serve 100 million annual   36 million passengers during the year   Through the first 10 months of the
              passengers and serves as a blueprint   and captured 46.8% of total DEN market   year, DEN ranked as the third-busiest
              to align DEN’s decision-making and   share. Southwest captured 30.9% of total   airport in the U.S. and the fifth-busiest
              accountability.”                   DEN market share on annual volume   airport in the world, according to
                  In addition to 2023 ranking as DEN’s   exceeding 24 million passengers. DEN’s   worldwide passenger traffic statistics from
              busiest year ever, the airport’s passenger   third-largest carrier, Frontier, served more   Airports Council International (ACI).
              traffic notched several notable milestones   than 7.5 million passengers during the

              O’Hare, Midway Airports saw strong passenger growth in 2023

                  The Chicago Department of Aviation   Unprecedented air service expected for   Air service developments
              (CDA) released its annual passenger and   summer 2024                    United Airlines plans to offer some
              operations data for 2023, showing steady    O’Hare is expected to continue its   175 routes to O’Hare this summer, more
              year-over-year growth at O’Hare and   robust passenger growth in 2024, with a   than any other airline —including 15
              Midway International Airports, with an   strong summer travel season. The Terminal   European routes, compared to nine in the
              unprecedented level of air service on the   Area Forecast from the Federal Aviation   summer of 2019. Published flight schedules
              horizon for summer 2024.           Administration (FAA) projects 41.5 million   from United show seat capacity for 2024
                  Approximately 73.9 million     enplanements at O’Hare for 2024 and 44.1   up 3% in July, 4% in August and 1% in
              passengers traveled through O’Hare last   million for 2025, compared to 42.2 million   September, compared to the same months
              year, marking an 8.1% increase over 2022.   enplanements recorded in 2019. CDA   in 2019.
              Midway transported more than 22 million   data shows 36.6 million enplanements at    Cathay Pacific will increase its Hong
              passengers in 2023, a 10.7% increase over   O’Hare in 2023, up 7.3% over the prior   Kong service from three to five times per
              the prior year.                    year.                             week starting March 31 which will improve
                   Midway, which surpassed pre-     Enplanements count departing   access to Hong Kong, Mainland China and
              pandemic passenger levels in the first half   passengers only, while overall passenger   Southeast Asia.
              of 2023, closed the full year out with a   figures include both arrivals and departures.   United will also launch the first
              5.5% increase in passengers compared   At the peak of the summer in July   service from O’Hare to the new airport in
              to 2019. Sustained passenger growth   2024, scheduled departing seats from   Tulum, Mexico in April.
              continues at O’Hare, which ended 2023 at   O’Hare are expected to be off by just 3%.    There are also new and expanded
              87.3% of its 2019 passenger total, marking   from July 2019 levels. O’Hare will also   routes to Italy, Greece, and Canada, as well
              a four-year high.                  serve 67 international destinations this July,   as nine new domestic routes to O’Hare
                                                 up from 65 in July 2019.          from Frontier Airlines.

               Summit of the Americas  April 2024                           16

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