Page 19 - 2024 Summit of the Americas_Neat
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                  U.S. government awards nearly $1 billion in grants to improve airports

                     On February 15, 2024, the Federal   of these terminal projects are under   systems, and increasing accessibility for
                  Aviation Administration (FAA) announced   construction.              passengers with disabilities. Among them
                  that it is awarding $970 million to 114   Many grants contain an element   are:
                  airports across the U.S., spanning 44   that will build new or expanded terminal   $40 million to Chicago O’Hare
                  states and three territories. The funding   facilities.              International Airport: This award funds
                  comes from the Bipartisan Investing in   Among them are:             improvements to Terminal 3 to include
                  America agenda, and launches projects   $35 million to Washington Dulles   increasing the central passenger corridor
                  that will improve passenger experience,   International Airport in Virginia to fund a   width, a reconfigured TSA check-point,
                  accessibility, and sustainability while   portion of the construction of a 14-gate,   new hold room, a new ADA compliant
                  creating jobs.                    400,000 sq. ft. terminal building including   and family restroom, and updates to the
                     Investments enhancing the passenger   connections to the Aerotrain and Metrorail.   baggage system.
                  experience include new baggage systems,   $20 million to Salt Lake City   $26.6 million to Denver International:
                  larger security checkpoints, increasing   International Airport in Utah to fund   This award funds a portion of the baggage
                  gate capacity, and modernizing aging   a portion of the Concourse B terminal   handling system replacement, including the
                  infrastructure throughout terminals and   expansion that will include 16 gates.   control system. In addition, the new system
                  ground transportation.                $27 million to Miami International   will improve energy efficiency and increase
                     These investments further increase   Airport to fund a portion of the design   capacity.
                  terminal sustainability and improve   phase for the modernization and   Other grants will increase access to
                  accessibility for individuals with   redevelopment of MIA’s Central Terminal   other modes of transportation or improve
                  disabilities. Nine grants will address the   and Concourses E and F.   roadways, refurbish their airport owned
                  needs of aging air traffic control towers.   Many grants contain an element that   airport traffic control towers, increase
                  These awards are on top of the nearly $2   will improve the passenger experience   terminal sustainability, and improve airport
                  billion for airport terminals announced   by improving security screening areas,   access in smaller communities.
                  over the past two years. The vast majority   providing faster and more reliable baggage

                  Miami-Dade County launches “I AM MIA” customer campaign

                     On February 29, Miami-Dade County
                  Mayor Daniella Levine Cava, Miami
                  International Airport (MIA) Director and
                  CEO Ralph Cutié, and key airport partners
                  launched the “I AM MIA” campaign, a
                  pivotal initiative designed to transform the
                  customer experience at one of the busiest
                  airports in the United States.
                     The comprehensive program aims
                  to enhance the overall airport experience
                  for passengers and MIA’s workforce
                  community of more than 37,000
                  employees, the largest economic engine in
                  Miam-Dade County.                       Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava and MIA Director and CEO
                     The “I AM MIA” campaign is a key     Ralph Cutié unveil the new I Am MIA logo.
                  element of MIA’s ambitious Modernization
                  in Action (M.I.A.) Plan, a transformative   Campaign highlights:     redevelopment, restroom upgrades,
                  initiative marked by historic investments    Customer-Centric Teams: Specially   new passenger boarding bridges, and
                  in maintenance and capital infrastructure   trained Lightning Crew teams will be   renovated conveyance units, among other
                  projects.                         strategically positioned throughout the   improvements. Through the Modernization
                     This groundbreaking campaign will   terminals to assist passengers and address   in Action (M.I.A.) Plan, 126 passenger
                  deploy dedicated Lightning Crew teams of   maintenance issues, fostering a more   loading bridges, 203 public bathrooms, and
                  highly trained employees to strategically   personalized and responsive experience.  616 conveyance units (elevators, escalators,
                  patrol the terminal for maintenance issues   Modernization in Action: Aligned with   and moving walkways) are being renovated
                  in need of immediate attention.   the M.I.A. Plan, the campaign is part of   in phases over the next 5-7 years.
                     Other Lightning Crew members will   an extensive effort to enhance operational   With a record-breaking 52.3 million
                  proactively address passenger inquiries   efficiency and customer experience. It   travelers served last year, the “I AM
                  and concerns, with the ultimate goal   is linked with MIA’s commitment to   MIA” campaign responds to the increased
                  of significantly enhancing the overall   infrastructure enhancements, including   demand for both operational improvements
                  customer experience at the airport.  a new parking facility, terminal   and elevated customer care.

                                                                                   19                                         April 2024   Summit of the Americas

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