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              Golden Anniversary: DFW Airport marks 50 years of service

                  On Jan. 13, 1974, Dallas Fort Worth
              International Airport (DFW) began
              operations as the newest and most modern
              commercial airport in the United States,
              heralding in a new chapter for modern
                  This Jan. 13, DFW recognized its
              50th anniversary by beginning a year-long
              celebration that reflects on the airport’s
              success, looks ahead to its exciting future
              and thanks the community for five decades
              of support.
                  In 1974, DFW was the largest airport
              ever constructed in the U.S. and twice the
              size of any before it. The airport began
              operations with nine airlines, and today
              is home to 28 airlines – including 16
              international airlines – with service to 256
              destinations around the world.         DFW airfield, 1974, aerial view. Photo Courtesy DFW Media Department
                  With an estimated 80 million
              passengers in 2023, DFW is now the   every corner of the globe.      benefitting over 634,000 jobs. Visitors to
              second-busiest airport in the world. Its   DFW has seen many historic moments   DFW and the surrounding region generate
              central location allows DFW customers   during the past 50 years, including as the   $24 billion in economic activity each year,
              to reach any major metropolitan area in   first U.S. airport to host the supersonic   resulting in more than $5 billion in state
              North America within four hours. This has   Concorde on Sept. 20, 1973, the first U.S.   and local taxes.
              made DFW a critical piece of the expansive   airport to host a visit by a NASA space    “All of us at DFW Airport carry
              growth of Dallas, Fort Worth and the entire   shuttle on May 16, 1989, and the first   the proud legacy that was started by the
              North Texas region.                American airport with the ability to land   Dallas and Fort Worth leaders who saw
                  DFW is American Airlines’ largest hub   four aircraft at the same time.   the potential for a combined commercial
              with operations from the airport to nearly   The airport also has grown to become   airport for Dallas and Fort Worth that could
                                                 a major economic engine for the regional   grow and support the region well into the
              Hartsfield-Jackson                 economy. DFW’s contribution includes   future,” said Sean Donohue, DFW’s Chief
                                                                                   Executive Officer.
                                                 supporting an annual payroll of $38 billion,
              sets new post-
              pandemic record

                  Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta     MIA reaches record passenger and cargo
              International Airport (ATL) reports strong   numbers, receives historic investments
              traffic growth as it served 104.7 million
              passengers in 2023, marking a substantial
              increase and surpassing post-pandemic   Miami International Airport (MIA)   contributed significantly by serving 31.4
              levels. The increase reflects the airport’s   reports record passenger and cargo traffic   million passengers in 2023.
              robust recovery from the challenges of the   in 2023, as well as substantial investments   American Airlines increased its year-
              COVID-19 pandemic and underscores the   in maintenance and capital improvements.   overyear seat capacity by 10% during the
              resurgence of domestic leisure travel.  Audited reports confirm that MIA   winter 2023 schedule. MIA also welcomed
                  Passenger numbers increased by 10.9   achieved its highest-ever annual passenger   service launches by carriers Volaris El
              million over 2022, up 11.7%. ATL’s highest   total, handling 52.3 million travelers in   Salvador, Norse Atlantic Airways, and
              passenger volume occurred in 2019, with   2023, up by 3.2% over the previous year’s   Porter Airlines, expanding its portfolio
              over 110 million passengers traveling   record.                      to 96 passenger and cargo airlines - the
              through the Airport. In 2023, aircraft   Notably, international travel   highest among all U.S. airports.
              operations grew by 7.1%, reaching a total   experienced an exceptional 8.5% surge,   Cargo operations at MIA registered
              of 775,818 takeoffs and landings.   reaching 23.2 million passengers. Domestic   a 1% growth to achieve a record-breaking
                  Monthly figures for December 2023   traffic, though down by half a percent, still   2.78 million tons. This accomplishment
              underscored these positive trends with a   accounted for 29.1 million travelers.   was driven by 2.2 million tons of
              9.7% increase in passenger traffic and an   The stellar performance in passenger   international cargo and 548,976 tons of
              8.52% rise in aircraft operations compared   numbers was primarily fueled by American   domestic shipments.
              to the previous December.          Airlines, MIA’s hub carrier, which

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