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                  ASC ASQ awards: The Americas

                  North America: This award recognizes   (Indianapolis, United States of America)  Latin America-Caribbean: This award
                  airports with the top 20% overall   Louis Armstrong New Orleans      recognizes airports with the top 20%
                  satisfaction score by size and region at   International Airport (New Orleans, United   overall satisfaction score by size and region
                  departure.                        States of America)                 at departure.

                  Under 2 million passengers per year  15 to 25 million passengers per year  Under 2 million passengers per year
                  Fort McMurray International Airport (Fort   Dallas Love Field Airport (Dallas, United   Guanacaste Airport (Liberia, Costa Rica)
                  McMurray, Canada)                 States of America)                 Hermosillo International Airport
                  Saskatoon John G. Diefenbaker     Tampa International Airport (Tampa,   (Hermosillo, Mexico)
                  International Airport (Saskatoon, Canada)  United States of America)
                                                                                       2 to 5 million passengers per year
                  2 to 5 million passengers per year  25 to 40 million passengers per year  Guanajuato International Airport
                  Gerald R. Ford International Airport   LaGuardia Airport (New York, United   (Guanajuato, Mexico)
                  (Grand Rapids, United States of America)  States of America)         Guayaquil International Airport
                  Greenville-Spartanburg International   Minneapolis/St Paul International Airport   (Guayaquil, Ecuador)
                  Airport (Greer, United States of America)  (Minneapolis, United States of America)
                  Portland International Jetport (Portland,                            5 to 15 million passengers per year
                  United States of America)         Over 40 million passengers per year  Los Cabos International Airport (Los
                                                    Dallas Fort Worth International Airport   Cabos, Mexico)
                  5 to 15 million passengers per year  (Dallas, United States of America)  Punta Cana International Airport (Punta
                  Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International   Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International   Cana, Dominican Republic)
                  Airport (Cincinnati, United States of   Airport (Atlanta, United States of America)  Quito International Airport (Quito,
                  America)                          Toronto Pearson International Airport   Ecuador)
                  Indianapolis International Airport   (Toronto, Canada)

                     One of the most impressive wins in   which has been named the “Best Airport   over their experience, to deploying new
                  the 2023 ACI ASQ customer satisfaction   over 40 million passengers in North   modernized equipment and completing
                  award was that bestowed on New York’s    America” for the sixth time in seven years   more asset restoration programs, this is
                  LaGuardia Airport, which won in its   by ACI’s ASQ awards. Toronto Pearson   all part of our commitment to providing
                  category of hubs serving 25 to 40 million   regained the ranking in 2023 after winning   passengers with a world-class experience –
                  passengers per year.              “Best Airport over 40 million passengers in   and we are excited to deliver even more in
                     According to the March 12 issue of   North America” for five consecutive years   the years ahead.”
                  Metropolitan Airport News, LGA “soared   between 2017 and 2021.         Toronto Pearson also introduced
                  from worst in class to best in class in   “The results of this year’s survey and   The Pearson Standard in 2023, a program
                  a stunning reversal of fortunes for an   this award is the outcome of the collective   that formalizes accountabilities for
                  airport that was once reviled and is now   hard work from all our employees, to   airport partners and Toronto in order hold
                  beloved by travelers.” 2023 was the first   deliver in new ways that heighten the   everyone to a wide range of operational
                  full year that all new passenger facilities at   reliability and enjoyment of the experience   standards.
                  LaGuardia were completed and in use…  at Pearson,” said Deborah Flint, President
                  The airport earned an overall passenger   and CEO, Toronto Pearson. “We see the   Note: Dallas Fort Worth International
                  satisfaction score of 4.24 out of 5, which   results of our investments in people, assets,   Airport and Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta
                  was 20 percent higher than its score in   and technology that enhanced operations   International Airport were also named
                  2018 when passengers rated LaGuardia as   and improved every part of the passenger   Best Airport over 40 million passengers in
                  the worst airport in North America.   journey. Whether it’s launching new digital   North America for 2023.
                     More kudos go to Toronto Pearson,   tools to give our customers more control

                                                                                   21                                         April 2024   Summit of the Americas

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