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Overnight visitation to Canada still not at 2019 levels
2023 was a year of regaining 18.3 million, up a fantastic 43% on the up 22% versus 2022, but is still only 83%
momentum for tourism to Canada, 12.8 million visitors in 2022. However, this compared to 2019.
according to Destination Canada. number is still just 83% versus 2019. Overnight visitors from France
Monthly overnight visitor arrivals The strong arrivals recovery recorded reached 596,000 in 2023, rising 29% from
gradually improved throughout the year. in 2023 was led by Mexico, France, the 463,000 visitors in 2022. This is 90% of
Despite a slowdown in the pace of recovery U.S., and the UK. the amount of French visitors to Canada in
during the peak summer period, by the end Overnight visitors to Canada from the 2019.
of the year monthly arrivals reached 96% United States reached 12.8 million in 2023. Mexico is the only major source
of 2019 levels. This is up 41% on the overnight numbers market that had more visitors to Canada
Canada opened its borders to in 2022, but still just 85% of the 2019 in 2023 than in 2019. 548,000 Mexicans
international visitors in late summer numbers. visited Canada in 2023, up 58% versus
2021, but the country did not remove all The United Kingdom, Canada’s 2022, and up 113% compared to 2019.
COVID-19 restrictions until October 2022. second most important market, had 715,000
Total global arrivals to Canada were overnight visitors in 2023. This number is
FDFA celebrates 40 years with new logo
Canada’s Frontier Duty Free Association continues to
Free Association is celebrating work for industry growth,”
its 40th anniversary in 2024. comments Executive Director
In 1982, the first duty free Barbara Barrett. “We will
store was opened in Emerson, be doing a social media
Manitoba by the Resch family. campaign and possibly a
By 1984, a number of other few other things to mark the
stores had opened across anniversary and most certainly,
Canada (ie. Windsor, Sarnia) and as a improve the land border duty free industry we will be celebrating at our Convention in
collective, they decided to found the through networking and advocacy. November,” Barrett tells TMI.
Association to work together to grow and “Forty years later the Frontier Duty
Summit of the Americas April 2024 26
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IAADFS 2024 Interior Final.indd 26 4/1/2024 10:04:44 AM