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Felipe Grant, Markus Suter, Greg Ford, and Julia Seve have been added to the IAADFS Board of Directors.
IAADFS adds four supplier members to Board of Directors
In another important step that expands prestigious and major industry companies, company’s strong market position in the
its scope, the International Association of will be invaluable additions to the Board region by focusing on premiumization.
Airport and Duty Free Stores (IAADFS) and our deliberations. This is particularly Greg Ford has spent almost 20 years
added four new Board members from relevant as we examine how to best in the liquor industry, including the last
the supplier community to its Board of respond to the changes and opportunities nine focused on the travel retail business
Directors. Board members serve for a two- confronting our industry and evaluate the across Europe and the Americas. Following
year term. services that we provide to our members,” a decade of working at Diageo, Ford
The new supplier Directors, stated Rene Reidi, Chairman, IAADFS. joined Pernod Ricard in 2018 and currently
announced in early March, include Greg “We very much appreciate their leads their travel retail business in the
Ford, General Manager - TR Americas, support and interest in becoming active Americas, based in Miami. Since relocating
Pernod Ricard; Felipe Grant, General members of the Board of Directors. These to the U.S. from the UK in 2022, he has
Manager, Puig Travel Retail Americas; and appointments will bring a varied and in- maintained his role as a strong advocate
Markus Suter, Market Manager GTR - The depth knowledge of their sectors and the for the interests of the duty free and travel
Americas, Lindt. overall industry to IAADFS as we adapt to retail industry throughout the region.
At the end of the month, the IAADFS the ever-changing nature of our business.” Julia Seve has more than 20 years of
also announced that Julia Seve, Managing Felipe Grant is an accomplished experience working at the L’Oréal Group,
Director for L’Oréal Travel Retail professional with 20 years of experience the world’s leading beauty group. During
Americas, had become a Board member. in the beauty industry, previously working her time with the company, she has served
This marks the first time that the with L’Occitane and LVMH. Since 2020 in several capacities, including various
Association’s supplier partners have seats he has been General Manager Travel roles in Brazil, France, and most recently,
as voting members of the association’s Retail Americas with Puig. His leadership the United States, as the Managing Director
Board of Directors. and vision have been instrumental in the for L’Oréal Travel Retail Americas.
Michael Payne, President & CEO, company’s retail development, driving the “We could not be more excited and
IAADFS, comments: “While our supplier transformation of such brands as Carolina pleased to have these [individuals] be a
partners have long been members of Herrera, Rabanne, Jean Paul Gaultier and part of our Board. With their insights and
the association, have served on several Penhaligon’s. knowledge of the industry they will be a
advisory committees, and have been Markus Suter has worked for more huge part of our plans and direction going
strong supporters throughout the years, than thirteen years with Lindt. For the forward,” said Payne.
this represents an expanded role and vital last ten years Markus has been based in These new additions follow the
addition to the Board.” Brazil, responsible for travel retail within appointment of Starboard President and
“The addition of these talented and the Americas. Suter has successfully built CEO Lisa Bauer to the Board, the first time
well-respected members of the duty up Lindt’s business in Latin America and that cruise retailing has been represented on
free and travel retail industry, all from North America, helping to establish the the Board.
TFWA appoints new Conference Director
Michele Miranda has been promoted to events for nearly a decade and will continue and knowledgeable
TFWA Conference Director. to do so as the association marks its 40th speakers. I have
She took over the role on February 1 anniversary year. no doubt that her
and is now responsible for overseeing all of “I offer my heartfelt congratulations to enthusiasm, energy
TFWA’s conferences and workshops. Michele on her well-deserved promotion. and professionalism
Miranda has successfully brought her Michele has proven to be an outstanding will stand her in good
expertise to high-profile functions worldwide member of the TFWA team over the past stead in her new
throughout her career. nine years, and has done much to enhance role of Conference
Having worked at TFWA as Conference the quality of our conferences, ensuring Director,” said TFWA
Manager since 2015, Miranda’s unique the participation of some of duty free and President Erik Juul-
portfolio of skills have enriched TFWA travel retail’s most compelling, engaging Mortensen.
Summit of the Americas April 2024 22
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