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                         LaGuardia was among the honorees for best airports serving 25 to 40 passengers per year.

              ACI’s 2023 ASQ awards best airports for customer experience
              worldwide—as chosen by passengers

                  Nine airports across all regions have   levels on the very day of travel. The   evolving rapidly, excellence in customer
              won Airports Council International’s (ACI)   ASQ Surveys cover over 30 performance   service isn’t just a goal; it’s the key to
              ASQ Awards in all 5 departure categories.   indicators across key elements of the   ensuring airports remain not just gateways,
              The awards indicate maximizing a pleasant   passenger’s airport experience, giving the   but memorable destinations in themselves.”
              experience at every stage of the airport   most complete picture of the passenger
              journey.                           experience journey. This distinctive   ASQ Awards highlights
                  The top-winning airports, by region,   methodology is renowned for its   In 2023, over half of the world’s
              are: Africa: Casablanca Mohammed   robustness, enabling meaningful statistical   travelers passed through an ASQ airport,
              V International Airport; Asia-Pacific:   inference and providing unparalleled   underscoring the program’s credibility
              Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport;   insights into the passenger experience.  and influence in shaping the standards for
              Yogyakarta International Airport; Europe:                            exceptional airport services.
              Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport; Aeroporto   400 partners, global scope     In 2023, 170 ASQ Awards were won
              di Roma-Fiumicino; Latin America:     ACI World Director General     by 90 airports around the world from
              Guayaquil International Airport; Middle   Luis Felipe de Oliveira said, “We are   595,000 surveys collected,
              East: Salalah Airport; and North America:   delighted that in 2023 the ASQ program   Categories for departures include
              Greenville-Spartanburg International   surpassed 400 participating airports in a   Best Airports by Size and Region, as well
              Airport; Gerald R. Ford International   historical record—reflecting our members’   as Most Dedicated Staff, Easiest Airport
              (Grand Rapids, Michigan).          commitment to placing the passenger   Journey, Most Enjoyable Airport, and
                  Airports Council International’s (ACI)   first. Likewise, we thank the guests that   Cleanest Airport. For arrivals, the category
              World, in partnership with leading travel   dedicated their precious time by providing   is Top Airports Globally.
              technology company Amadeus, created   feedback in close to 600,000 surveys. The   ACI World and Amadeus will
              the Airport Service Quality (ASQ) Awards   global growth of the program underscores   celebrate the 2023 ASQ Awards winners
              to rank the best airports for customer   the trust placed in its scientific and live   and the ACI World Director General’s Roll
              experience worldwide—as chosen by   approach, making ASQ the go-to standard   of Excellence inductees at the prestigious
              passengers.                        for airport customer experience assessment   ASQ Awards Gala Dinner during the 2024
                  Unlike other programs in the aviation   in the aviation industry. The future success   ACI World Customer Experience Summit
              industry, ASQ’s approach is anchored in   of airports hinges on the unwavering   and Exhibition, from September 23 to 26
              live research conducted through surveys   commitment to delivering a stellar   in Atlanta.
              administered directly to travelers at   customer experience at every touchpoint.
              the airport, capturing their satisfaction   In an era where passenger expectations are

               Summit of the Americas  April 2024                           20

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