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                  About John F. Kennedy International
                  Airport’s The New Terminal One
                     The New Terminal One is being built
                  on sites now occupied by JFK’s Terminal
                  1, the recently closed Terminal 2, and the
                  former Terminal 3, where it will anchor
                  the international airport’s south side.
                  Construction is taking place in phases.
                  The first phase, including the new arrivals
                  and departures halls and first set of 14 new
                  gates, is expected to open in 2026.
                     At completion, which is anticipated
                  in 2030, the New Terminal One will be 2.4
                  million square feet, making it the largest
                  terminal at JFK and nearly the same size
                  as LaGuardia Airport’s two new terminals
                  combined. NTO will be a state-of-the-art
                  international-only terminal with 23 gates.
                  Sustainably designed and future-focused,
                  the terminal will feature expansive,
                  naturally lit public spaces, cutting-edge
                  technology and an array of amenities,
                  all designed to enhance the customer
                  experience and compete with some of the
                  highest-rated airport terminals in the world.

                  Port Authority records busiest year ever at its three major airports

                     The Port Authority of New York and   awards as best new airport terminal in the   multiple carriers to optimize efficiency. The
                  New Jersey reports that 2023 marked the   world, including the Prix Versailles from   new one million-square-foot terminal is
                  busiest year ever at its three major airports.   UNESCO and honors from Skytrax, which   20% larger than the one it replaced.
                  The totals surpassed pre-pandemic highs   also gave the terminal the first 5-star rating   LaGuardia’s new high of 32.4 million
                  as passengers took advantage of additional   in the nation -- and the new Terminal C   passengers was a 4 percent jump from its
                  capacity and top-tier amenities at the   followed in 2022.           previous record in 2019. The new Terminal
                  remodeled facilities.                 Extensive, once-in-a-generation   B, fully opened in 2020, was built to
                     In 2023, a total of 144 million air   redevelopment work continues at JFK and   handle more than double the capacity of its
                  passengers flew through John F. Kennedy   EWR for new and upgraded terminals,   predecessor. Likewise, the new Terminal C,
                  International (JFK), LaGuardia (LGA),   ground transportation enhancements and   which opened in 2022, is 85 percent larger
                  and Newark Liberty International (EWR)   road network overhauls.     than the two terminals it replaced.
                  airports, according to initial estimates.   Newark, LaGuardia, and JFK all   JFK’s 2023 volume of 62.5
                  The total was 3 percent above the previous   set new domestic travel records in 2023,   million was on par with its robust 2019
                  record of 140 million passengers set in   serving 35.3 million, 30.6 million, and 29.1   performance, with a further resurgence
                  2019.                             million domestic passengers, respectively.  evident by year end: December marked the
                     The demand comes following years of   Newark Liberty recorded the most   first month in which JFK’s international
                  redevelopment work at the agency’s three   significant jump. Newark’s record 49.1   passenger volume surpassed totals from
                  major airports, transforming outdated air   million passengers in 2023 was a six   the same month in 2019. Its 2.8 million
                  terminals into award-winning facilities.  percent increase over its previous high set   international passenger total was a three
                     This includes Newark Liberty’s new   in 2019, as travelers took advantage of   percent increase over December 2019’s
                  Terminal A, which recently marked its   increased capacity offered by the new and   figures.
                  first year in operation by welcoming the   larger Terminal A.           In addition, December 2023 marked
                  terminal’s 15 millionth passenger and   Newark Terminal A’s 15 million   the busiest December ever for Port
                  receiving a Prix Versailles Special Prize   passengers in its first year is more than the   Authority airports. The three airports
                  recognizing its distinctive exterior design.  previous Terminal A served in any of the   welcomed 12 million passengers over the
                     At LaGuardia, the new world-class   50 years it was in operation. As a common-  month, an increase of over 70,000 from the
                  Terminal B opened in 2020 --and won   use terminal, its 33 gates are utilized by   previous December record set in 2019.

                                                                                   13                                         April 2024   Summit of the Americas

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