Page 70 - IAADFS Summit 2023 Special Edition
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                                                                               Shoppers can scan the label of any bottle in-
                                                                               store to discover dynamic content about an age
                                                                               statement and the craft behind it.

                                                                               with consumers across channels.”
                                                                                  Campari Group Brand Premiumization
                                                                               Managing Director Jean-Jacques Dubau
                                                                               says the Appleton Estate boutique is a
                                                                               prime example of how Campari Group can
                                                                               present its brands in memorable ways.
                                                                                  “Global Travel Retail is very
                                                                               important and is the place where we can
          shifting lighting that fill the large circular   about their gift and encouraged to share on   showcase our products in a very special
          ceiling with spatial surround-sound,   their social media.           way,” says Dubau. “Today is the start of
          designed to create deeper integration of the                         a very special year. Last year travel retail,
          digital and physical experience.  Premiumizing Campari and Appleton   due to the rebound in traveling, grew very
              At the bar, dedicated brand   Estate                             strongly, contributing to the growth of
          ambassadors are on hand for cocktail   The Appleton Estate Boutique at   Campari.
          demos and guided tastings of the   Sangster International Airport is just one   “2023 is the year when we should be
          permanent portfolio available in-store:   way the Campari Group is premiumizing   getting back to levels of 2019. Today is an
          Appleton Estate Signature, Appleton Estate   its portfolio of spirits brands, and engaging   important milestone.”
          8 Year Old Reserve, Appleton Estate 12   the consumer on multiple fronts.  Campari Group’s revenue was $2.9
          Year Old Rare Casks, Appleton Estate 15   “We are here to celebrate our biggest   billion for FY2022, up 16% year-on-
          Year Old Black River Casks, Appleton   investment ever in the channel, an   year. Its Global Travel Retail division
          Estate 21 Year Old Nassau Valley Casks.  investment in an Appleton Estate boutique,   revenue soared almost 81%, led by strong
              The latest Appleton Estate release,   which signals from our side a strong   performances from Aperol, Campari, The
          Ruby Anniversary Edition, is a key feature   belief in the travel retail category and   Glen Grant and Grand Marnier.
          of the space with a dedicated allocation of   that the rum category has the potential to
          this limited time edition available at the   premiumize and play a key role in GTR,”   From Shopper to Traveler
          Sangster boutique. Appleton Estate Ruby   says Cavagnera. “Appleton Estate can play   Cavagnera says it is an essential
          Anniversary edition comprises a blend of   a key role in the premiumization strategy.   part of Campari Group’s global travel
          five rare rums, each aged for a minimum of   It has all the credentials. It is a historic   retail strategy to interact with travelers on
          35 years.                         brand.”                            multiple steps along their journey.
               Inspired by their tasting experience,   Master Blender Joy Spence says   “The strategy to move from ‘shopper
          shoppers can use their personalized digital   she has been waiting for the day when   to traveler’ is the underlying force behind
          Insignia guide on their mobile device to   Appleton had its own boutique in Jamaica.  the omni-channel opportunity that we want
          discover key serves and classic cocktails   “In my travels I would stop at all the   to have. The ‘shopper’ has been a strategy
          to make at home. The shopper can then   rum boutique stores and I would say to   focused on the on-premise retail of the
          sign-up for the Appleton Estate e-mail   myself ‘when will this ever happen with   airports. While the ‘traveler’ is someone to
          newsletter.                       Appleton one day?’ And here it is.”   engage with in different touchpoints across
              The guided taste experience       Cavagnera says the boutique delivers a   the travel journey from the moment he
          encourages shoppers to discover two levels   key sense of place and authenticity.  books the flight, to when he starts traveling,
          of free personalization service on the   “The boutique is a way to convey   he gets to the airport, and then to the
          Appleton Estate 15 Year Old and 21 Year   to travelers and consumers not just a   on-premise of the airport where with our
          Old. The Brand Ambassadors help shoppers   unique experience, but a very authentic   portfolio we can play a unique role in the
          create a personalized message via the   experience. Our real ability is to deliver   growth of the spirits category.”
          digital platform, accessed via a QR-enabled   experiences to all of our consumers in an   “My role is to create this engagement
          neck hanger on the purchased bottle. The   omni-channel way in all of the geographies   across channels for the Group working
          gift recipients are able to discover more   that we operate in. This is a way to connect    in collaboration with all teams in the

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