Page 759 - B2B All Year Round Vol.8
P. 759
Daegu-Gyeongbuk Free Economic Zone Authority
Abundant R&D Infrastructures - Research Facilities
Korea Foundation for POSTECH
Pohang Korea Multi-purpose Max Planck National Institute for Asia Pacific Center for
Accelerator Accelerator Complex Postech/Korea Nanomaterials Theoretical Physics
Research Initiative Technology
Field of Research Field of Research Field of Research Research Equipment Field of Research
Basic sciences such as Nuclear, Nano, Bio,
biological structure and Total of 182
microstructure analysis Information / Communication, Attosecond and (140 semiconductor/MEMS, Attosecond and
Energy / Environment,
as well as applied sciences complex phase materials 16 display, complex phase materials
Aerospace, Medical
such as new materials and new 26 property assessment)
drug development and Basic Science
Secure national Secure national
Operates 100 MeV
Develop and execute proton accelerator and competitiveness and Establish and operate competitiveness and
infrastructure to
build world-class
build world-class
advanced testing ion beam device research infrastructure support research infrastructure
methods using required for in basic/fundamental nanotechnology R&D in basic/fundamental
synchrotron convergence and
creative R&D technologies in and commercialization technologies in
materials field materials field