Page 761 - B2B All Year Round Vol.8
P. 761

Daegu-Gyeongbuk Free Economic Zone Authority
                               Abundant R&D Infrastructures - Healthcare

        Daegu-Gyeongbuk                                                                          National Development
        Advanced Medical             Korea Brain Research                 POSTECH                  Institute of Korean         Gyeongbuk Institute for
       Industry Promotion                   Institute                  Biotech Center                    Medicine                     Bio Industry

          Field of Research            Research Equipment              Field of Research            Research Equipment             Research Equipment

                                                                      49 fields of research                                         125 test production
     4 key facilities including New   84 units of brain research
      Drug Development Support     equipment, Laboratory Animal   including molecular medicine,   124 medicinal herb research      equipment units and
               Center                        Center                    plant biotech, and              equipment units             experimental analysis
                                                                         nanobiotech                                                 equipment units

                                                                                                  Establish foundation for
      Develop new drugs and          Convergence research              Co-founded by                 nurturing Korean            Develop bio-industrial
        medical equipment,            and research support                                          medicine industry,
      support R&D, analysis,         regarding brain neural          POSTECH -POSCO,             modernization of Korean          complexes, execute
     evaluation, licensing and         network and brain             develop fundamental            medicine, research            testing/certification,
                                                                     technologies for new
       commercialization of           diseases, serves as a         bio-drug development           quality preservation of        nurture and support
                                                                                                                                   biotech companies
       new drug production            hub of national brain                                        herbal medicines and
                                            research                                                  support testing
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