Page 763 - B2B All Year Round Vol.8
P. 763

Daegu-Gyeongbuk Free Economic Zone Authority
                               Abundant R&D Infrastructures - Automobiles

                                                      Korea Automotive
                        Korea Intelligent           Technology Institute           Gyeongbuk Research            Gyeongbuk Green Car
                        Automotive Parts                                            Institute of Vehicle            Parts Promotion
                      Promotion Institute             Daegu-Gyeongbuk             Embedded Technology                    Agency

                       Research Equipment             Research Equipment              Field of Research            Research Equipment

                         Steering Robot System,         3 types of performance
                      Automatic Brake Robot System,   evaluation equipment, 22 types  IT convergence automobile,
                      Vehicle Dynamics Measurement    of evaluation and software     intelligent automotive parts,   40 types of computer simulations
                     System, Comprehensive Vibration   equipment for technology       medical device industry
                             Tester, etc.                  development

                                                                                                                       Secure future
                                                         Secure human               Establish infrastructure
                       Conduct actual vehicle       resources and establish          related to embedded                automobile
                       evaluations in real test                                                                      technologies and
                      driving sites and support         infrastructure for         automotive technologies,       actual vehicle test and
                                                                                    develop technologies
                      companies and research         developing intelligent          and equipment to be         parts test evaluation for
                             institutes               cars and core parts                                              strengthening
                                                           green cars               utilized by the industry
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