Page 3 - harambee572020
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The Art Movement
A Call to Artist
To build social endurance, cultural flexibility and
economic strength we are petitioning all artists" To To set the pace for development of social and
start an Art Movement dialogue on "Wellness". economic sustainability in the south-western region
What we are asking is for each artist to create a of Pennsylvania; we are particularly calling for the
work of art from any media depicting views of Harambee! All coming together for the Youth.
complete physical and mental well-being related to Asking the African American artist to start the
a healthy community. Not simply the absences of movement. Harambee Ujima believes our youth
dis-ease or mental disorder but also civic and have missed or have little experience with feeling of
private collaboration the ties that bind us, connected attachment to the community provided by our non-
to ideas of life, free and fair trade absent of wrong violent traditions example; the Harambee Festival
and the lost of rights. The Idea is to help community and family events. By SHOWING UP at the
Executive Statement
The Harambee legacy coupled with Ujima strives for unification among people in the
region, with people of African descent. Believe the key To expand (assure) future access
for everyone starts with the marketplace. Harambee Ujima addresses income gap the
African American neighborhoods are undergoing; involves emerging of new markets
centers activities on business knowledge base widening minority products and services,
directed to build local markets to trade in the global economy.
The youth particularly today has never seen or experienced the Harambee of people
coming together with Ujima (collectively working taking responsibility) for the healthy
wellbeing of each others daily Life. The Harambee Ujima most immediate question is
how can the hope of our children, to be apart of a community with out never
experiencing the Harmony, Morality and Good Soul found in the Harambee solidarity of
life's sovereignty; which the Black Art Festival offers?
create an outlet for the public particularly business Harambee Ujima event you will simply start
to apply public relation socio economics to provide providing our youth with the much needed
a transitional environment for neighborhoods to understanding that there are "ties" that assures their
move from poverty and crime. Pleas contact survival that bind us all together as a whole
Harambee if submitting work community. Simple said it takes a village!! To stop
so we can send guide lines and application sooner the violence is simply showing up. Pass it on!!
the better.