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Our Story

            Harambee refers to the Kenyan tradition of            from a diverse pluralistic society. At the core is its
            community self-help events, literally means "all pull   'SeedSpeak", In May of 2010,The Seed speak
            together". Harambee events may range from             Project was formed as a subset of the Diversity
            informal affairs lasting a few hours - in which       Advisory Committee (DAC) to create an diversity
            invitations are spread by word of mouth - to formal,   foot-print for The Three Rivers Bioneers (3RB).
            multi-day events advertised in media. These events    Vision, lead a new exploration in social responsible
            have long been important in parts of East Africa, as   syntax. The emphasis is on opening emerging new
            ways to build and maintain communities.               markets, sustainable community, and economic
                                                                  development. Start building social and economic
            Ujima means "Collective Work and                      generators provide social responsible targeted
            Responsibility"; is the third of seven principle refers   services and deliverable outcomes. Our maiden
            to tradition and reason of Kwanzaa, which is a        project is Harambee Ujima.
            Swahili for Nguzu Saba - the seven principles of
            blackness, of what is called "the best of African     The Black Arts Festival is Harambee Ujima main
            thought and practice in constant exchange with the    focus and first priority of four economic generator
            world. "Ujima" here is used to reminds us of our      processes: 1) The Festival 2) The Neighborhood
            obligation to the past, present and future, that we   Market Square, 3) Harambee Legacy Project and 4)
            have a role of "Collective Work and                   the Art Gallery. These Ujima(s); is how the
            Responsibility", to play in our neighborhoods,        consortium promote trade through designed to
            community, society and world.                         discover the diversity footprint in the Pittsburgh
                                                                  region by marketing excellent Black arts
            Harambee Ujima Black Art and Cultural                 presentation and production. The process opens the
            Association (Harambee Ujima) is a direct legacy       dialogue on the Black Arts Movement; targeted to
            of the 1967 Together Inc, the region's original       impact youth delivering a cultural family to those
            Harambee Blacks Arts Festival committee. Founded      who have never experienced the Harambee;
            by Bagumba Lowery in 2001 to preserve the             addresses disparity issues concerning minorities and
            anatomy of African-American neighborhoods.            the higher percentage of unemployment and crime
            Adopted by Diversity FOOTprint formed a               in general, to help improve the area's free trade
            consortium with Harambee Ujima. The hopes of          infrastructure, to build commerce by raise the
            Harambee Ujima all volunteer board is to develop a    consciousness about the areas African American
            self-determining Black Diaspora cultural and          trade thru Art. The Black Arts Festival acts as
            economic environment; results in caring for,          amateur recreational and entrepreneurial resource
            looking after the health and wellness of the Black    for the youth in the region, benefit to persons of
            Diaspora; a foot-print, evidence that the exercise of   low/moderate income, as training ground for the
            economic growth has stopped abusing social trust.     long term and under employed. Giving its
                                                                  Pittsburgh district 9 residents first priority to reduce
            The Diversity FOOTprint construct is an               vendor and artist tabling and space fee to help them
            economic justice project of the Thomas Merton         become viable businesses
            Center (TMC) our fiscal agent; TMC is a central
            hub of peace and justice activity in the greater        The Harambee Black Arts Festival was made
            Pittsburgh area strives to be a coalition-building      possible by the courageous efforts of its all-
                                                                    volunteer board, and the local individual and
            organization that follows the principles of non-
                                                                    organizations and supporters exercising their
            violent resistance. Diversity FOOTprint based on        individual gifts and personal rights affirmed by
            Nature's *Diversity Trade Agreement form                the dynamic solidarity of one human family
            consortiums where people of all cultures come           pulling together keep the Harambee Legacy
            together to provide sustainable benefits that flow      alive. The Harambee Ujima Arts and Cultural
                                                                    Association Thank You!!!
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