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Our Story
        “Breathing Life into the Community."

        To provide economic security and stability for all citizens;

        The Social Contract’s base line Rule of Order is        Today Harambee Ujima acting as a an Agent of
        believed to be "Life is first" before all else;         Change is replanting the inherent seeds of
        because without Life there is nothing. Recognized       liberation sown during the first Kenyan calling of
        to be the nature of existence provides not only the     "Harambee", we rally for the renewal of the
        right and wrong inter way of living , but without       Social Contract (in particular America's).
        doubt holds also the individual’s consent for
        another to act on it behalf.                            This resides in the idea that America has rich
                                                                cultural traditions and pools of creative diverse
        To day material gains lead by profit has co-opted       talent that can be used to terraform the
        the consent of Life’s first place. What Harambee        underprivileged and disenfranchised to become
        Ujima is doing is to fully fill the destiny of          self-sustaining. Breathing Life Into Society.
        America's Social Contract by transcending the co-
        opting base/material aspects of life and return
        community trade back to be governed by
        Society’s original rule of order "Life First".
                                                                The Working Committees that provides The
        Supporting the - The Harambee Black Arts                Black Arts Festival Activities:
        Festival is an opportunity for all of society to
        pitch in and pull together to work collectivity and    Parade
        take responsibility for repairing America's Social     Anita Drummon&Peartina Story;
                                                               The Children's Village produced by
        This year (investing life in many places) the          The Homewood Children Village
        completely- volunteer driven Harambee Ujima            Health and Wellness provided by;
        pulling together does not make profit, but temps       Creative Balance 4Empowering People
        to  create an environment where profit can be
        made with raising consciousness using: dialogue,       Art Gallary  provided by  ;
        visual art, and music; To make a one America           Wine and Words
                                                               Stage performances, Vending and Festival
        We do this by advancing the arts as a                  over logistics provided by;
        social/economic generator; Harambee Ujima              Harambee Ujima Art and Cultural Association
        ignites the celebration of the Harambee legacy         Board
        with "Ujima," is constructing a self-help vehicle      Film Documentary of Parade     provide by
        structured as a Community-Sponsored Project.           YMCA light House project
        Serves the public as a Trade Fair producing an
        annual community-based buy and sell event; a            Harambee Ujima provided by;
        gathering in which the Black Diaspora show their       Diversity FOOTprint Project with
        products working the process to become self
        sustaining.                              e B Bl        Fiscal Agent
                                                               The Thomas Merton Center
                                            ar  a  ra  am mb be e   e  lack Arts Festiva
                                                ack Arts Festival
         Anninversary                                o t C   o t  Co om mm mu  un  ni  ty  it  y
                                           Breathing Life In
                                           Breathing Life
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