Page 11 - harambee572020
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Black Arts Weekend

            Commentary by Marteen Garay

            Celebrating a Black Art's Weekend with Harambee       relations.  See below for more event details and
            Ujima's Black Arts Festival                           information about the Harambee Ujima Black Arts
            July 18th and 19th on Kelly Street between N.         and Culture Association.
            Homewood Ave & N. Lang Ave
            The historic Harambee Black Arts Festival is back     The Harambee Black Arts Festival originated in
            again this year.   Join the celebration this July 18th   1967 as a way to use the arts to address social
            and 19th from 11am to 8pm at the 7100 block of        issues and create community unity.  The Harambee
            Kelly Street.  The Harambee Ujima Black Arts and      Ujima Black Arts and Culture Association was
            Culture Association coordinates the festival. This    formed in 2001 to create a new spirit of Harambee
            year Harambee Ujima has collaborated with the         in the present day.  The mission of the organization
            Legacy Arts Project to present a Black Arts           is to be a cultural collaborative that advocates for
            Weekend.  The Black Arts Weekend celebrates           the Black Art's Movement in efforts to preserve all
            Legacy Arts annual Dance Africa festival,             forms of Black Art that re-establishes the pride &
            beginning on July 17th and the Harambee Black         dignity in the black diasporic community.
            Arts Festival beginning in July 18th.  The weekend
            will be filled with family, food and festivities.     The Harambee Black Arts Festival is a two-day
                                                                  event, held on July 18th and 19th, 2015 on the 7100
            The Harambee Black Arts Festival has always been      block of Kelly Street between N. Homewood and
            a community-sponsored event.  This year the           N. Lang Avenues.  The festival features stage
            festival is largely supported by the Advancing the    performances of African dance and drumming, live
            Black Arts grant program of the Heinz Endowments      jazz, blues, hip hop, R&B, gospel and spoken word
            and the Pittsburgh Foundation.  Harambee has          artists; an African Market Place and Food Court; the
            partnered with several community and citywide         Legacy Art Gallery; and a Children's Village. The
            organizations to offer a weekend of powerful          festival will begin with a parade on July 18th at
            cultural performances.  Some of this year's           11am at Westinghouse High School.
            performers include 1Hood, Balafon West African
            Dance Company, the renowned African American          Harambee Ujima partnered with the following
            Music Institute and local favorite the Flow Band!     organizations to coordinate this year's festival
            There will be activities for the whole family to      including YMCA-Homewood Brushton,
            enjoy.  The festival will begin with a parade at      Homewood Early Learning Hub-Pittsburgh
            11am, starting at the famed Westinghouse High         Association for the Education of the Young Child,
            School.   There will be a dance workshop with Kulu    Wine and Words Pittsburgh, the Carnegie Library of
            Mele and Teanna Medina at 10am on Saturday, line      Pittsburgh - Homewood, Community College of
            dancing that afternoon, face painting at the          Allegheny County - Homewood, Community
            Children's Village, and a Garden Tour on Sunday at    Empowerment Association, St. Charles Lwanga
            2pm that will highlight some of the beautiful         Parish, Homewood-Brushton Family Support
            gardens throughout the Homewood community.            Center, Phipps Conservatory, RIF Bookmobile, the
                                                                  Homewood-Brushton Business Association, and the
            On Friday, July 17th, at 2pm there will be a special   African American Art Museum.
            screening of Selma, hosted by the Dr. Edna B.
            McKenzie Branch, Association for the Study of         Harambee Ujima thanks all of our gracious
            African American Life and History.  The screening     sponsors who made the 2015 Harambee Festival
            will be held at the new home of Wine and Words        possible.  Thanks you to the Advancing the Black
            Pittsburgh, located at 622 N. Homewood Avenue.        Arts Grant Program of the Heinz Endowments and
            Later that evening, Wine and Words Pittsburgh will    Pittsburgh Foundation, State Representative Ed
            host a private reception for the opening of the       Gainey, Highmark, Homewood Renaissance
            Legacy Art Gallery.  The gallery will be open from    Association, UPMC, City Parks, SD Transit, The
            July 17th to August 16th, featuring works from        New Pittsburgh Courier, Strong's Cleaners, WAMO,
            artists across the region.                            and the Pittsburgh Pirates.
            The newly formed Homewood-Brushton Business
            Association will be sponsoring a Basketball
            Tournament that will address community-police
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