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                                  New Collaboration with           Montage Interior Design Studio
                                  Legacy Arts Project to           strives to live again.
                                  present "Celebrating Black       Formerly situated in the old MSA/Mine Safety
                                  Arts in Pittsburgh Weekend”
                                                                   Appliances building in Point Breeze. The
                                  Black arts in Pittsburgh is      Montage was the venue for a variety of special
                                  growing vibrantly each day       events from weddings, birthday parties and family
                                  and is evidenced through the     reunions to fund raisers, art exhibits, poetry
               collaboration between the Legacy Arts Project       readings, seminars and networking events.
               and the Harambee Ujima Blacks Arts Festival.
               "Celebrating Black Arts in Pittsburgh Weekend"
               is a way for us to show support for each other in
               the ways in which we highlight arts of the
               African diaspora. It's a joy and a sign of growth
               that we have joined forces to honor Black arts in
               our community through performances,
               marketplaces, and the convergence of culture
               July 17-19, 2015. May we continue to come
               together to elevate ourselves, our art, and our
               Erin Perry

                              Amir Rashid
                              is a Past Master Storyteller,        Our new home ( 9100 Frankstown Rd. Formerly
                              hourstorian, poet, musician and      Thad Stevens Elementary School ) will serve a
                              visual artist. Baba Amir             variety of purposes. We will, of course, still be a
                              Is founder of the Agriculture        venue for events but in addition we will also be an
                              Academy where art and farming        art repository for the safe keeping and display of
                              can be taught to our youth. His      our local artists work. We will also be a beacon for
                              paintings and sculptures can be      servicing a variety of the communities needs like
                              viewed at his gallery Sanaa Studio   mentoring programs, behavioral therapy
                              518 Blessing St. Pgh. Pa. 15213      counseling for our youth, art classes, yoga and
                                                                   meditation classes and a full scale health and
                                                                   fitness facility.
                Harambee Ujima Executive Committee
               gives a special thank to Ms Nazura Haymon           Our goal is to renovate this beautiful old school
               for stepping in to assist us with building          building so that we may continue making a
               organizational capacity; helping with               positive impact in the community. There will be
               assessing and implementing how the                  something for any and everyone who ventures
               Executive Officer new role may fit our              through our doors. All are welcome!
               revitalization plan to return The Black Arts        Helen Bayns
               Festival to be a major social economic event
               in the region.
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