Page 12 - harambee572020
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Garden Tour and Workshop Edward Matthew Drummond;
This Is The Way We Do It
Beauty In the Community - Homewood Garden
Tour and Workshop
As part of Harambee Ujima, United Black Book My first football
Clubs of Pittsburgh (UBBCP) would like to bring experience began in the
people together for a discussion on how to Homewood area of
promote the positive aspects of Homewood and Pittsburgh, playing for the
how to highlight beauty, peace, harmony and Homewood-Brushton
quality in the community. At this workshop Stingers midget league
participants would discuss: football team in Pittsburgh.
l "sharing ideas on using space: Our Lives
Matter to Live in Beauty, Peace & I also participated in
Harmony summer track, being
coached by one of the best,
l Where do the people go to shop? to get Mr. Albert Kennedy. I
some refreshments? to browse? to look at attended a prep-private school known as Linsly
beauty? to feel the true culture and history High School in Wheeling, West Virginia and was a
of the community?
letterman in football and track etc….
l How do you make a community look, feel
and act like a community? Edward Matthew Drummond, (born April 12, 1980
in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) is an 8 year National
What are visions for the future? Football League (NFL) wide receiver and return
l resources needed to help set up and/or specialist. He was signed by the Detroit Lions as an
maintain the community undrafted free agent in 2002. He played college
football at Penn State University. A Pro Bowl
l possibility of garden contest with criteria selection with the Lions in 2004, Drummond has
and/or standards for judging an outstanding also been a member of the Kansas City Chiefs,
Pittsburgh Steelers and Las Vegas Locomotives
l motivating others to maintain attractive (UFL). ). As a dedicated humanitarian and
gardens/ yards/space philanthropist, Eddie has dedicated his life to
l a virtual tour of urban gardens Impacting the youth of our future.
l planning and organizing a Grassroots Ed Deummond will be coming back in time for the
Homewood Development Committee
for this Harambee legacy; the reunion of the Black
Diaspora as neighbor, community friends and
Join in the discussion. Join the tour of beauty family. It was not hard for Harambee Ujima to get
in the community. Meet at Homewood YMCA. him to stay a while be with community again and
greeted to sign autographs, so return your self to
UBBCP is an association of librarians, readers the festival and speak with Ed Drummond and let
and book clubs in Pittsburgh. Through a united him know this is the way we do it.
effort, UBBCP was formed to promote literary
activities and events, to provide community
outreach programs and to spread the love of
reading throughout the community. You may visit
us on our website:
Rena Amos Brock, President of United Black
Book Clubs of Pittsburgh