Page 13 - harambee572020
P. 13

Harambee Ujima  Executive Officer  (Interim);


                                       As a cultural collective,   assist with the implementation process and the
                                       the Mission of the         move forward: Art Gallery, Marketing and
                                       Harambee Ujima Arts        promotion, Logistics, Entertainment, Children's
                                       and Cultural               Village, and Fundraising.
                                       Association is to
                                       advocate for the Black     In the days prior to the festival the committee have
                                       Arts Movement and the      worked diligently to bring you what you see today
                                       preservation of all        at the 2015 Harambee Ujima Black Arts Festival.
                                       forms of Black Art. The    Thank you all, in advance, for all of your support as
                  Nazura Haymon        long-term vision is to     we continue to build alliances and partnerships in
                  Executive Officer    create a Black Arts        the Homewood community.
                                       Movement for the
                                       youth that re-             We honor the legacy that says, "We are Many
            establishes Black Pride and Dignity, as well as a     Different People Pulling Together" so that future
            sense of Community.                                   generations will continue to experience the great
                                                                  legacy of Harambee Ujima and look at this as an
            The Harambee Ujima Black Art and Cultural             opportunity to provide a culturally enriching
            Association was challenged with a great task to       experience of the Black Arts Movement here in
            move the Ujima Black Arts Festival into the 21st      Pittsburgh and beyond.
            century with the changing demographics in the
            community of Homewood that comes with                 Harambee! Harambee! Harambee
            population loss, underemployment, high crime
            rates, violence, and incarceration.

            While most organizations fade away due to various
            challenges, in 2015, the Harambee Black Arts
            Festival is now in its fifth generation. With the
            rich legacy of the past and the inspiration
            to look at things a new way, the all-
            volunteer board was charged with
            bringing in some younger
            people to help shape the
            strategic planning process
            and implementation of

            This past March the
            board had an
            development retreat to
            assist them in becoming
            a more sustainable
            Culture and Arts
            organization. Working
            committees were formed to
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