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Our Story
Diversity FOOTprint
Founder The Artist “G”
Sustainable Pittsburgh a Southwestern We continue the Harambee legacy with
Pennsylvania non-profit designed to foster a bringing the spirit of Harambee in the present
culture of civic and businesses sustainable day: to develop the emerging authority of the
practices reported …"if we are to make African American in the marketplace, with
overall progress, social Equality must be revitalizing the minority communities by
seen as a regional priority"…. (We Know) " to trading right on the street, to build economic
little about critical issues such as community equality as the wall which separates the
connectedness, regional cooperation….itself Black Diaspora from Racism.
an indicator that we are still not fully engaged
with creating long-term sustainability for This collaboration acts as an Art Social
Southwestern Pennsylvania". Economic Generator (A+SEG) engine; the
design looks like a festival, but takes the form
With the emerging social and economic of a trade-fair that operates as a Community
indicators called for reversing decades of Sponsored Art Project (CSA).
entrenched racial and income inequality in
the region. Diversity FOOTprint pushes for The Harambee Ujima CSA objectives
economic justice is about sustainability; involves the examination of Diversity as a
focuses on private/social economic trade managing construct related to America's
interest value that delivers profit as a social social contract standing belief in life's
responsible practice. inalienable rights of life. Within this
perspective of The American Dream this CSA
Today we stand on the shoulders of those in motion provides low income neighborhoods
who created the Harambee Black Arts the opportunity to: engage in building social
Festival, over 50 years ago. We are asking endurance, cultural flexibility and economic
our neighbors to once again make a strength.
commitment to this iconic Harambee using
Ujima to call for social economic efforts not to In Short, being directly related to Nature's
make profit but create an environment where Diversity Agreement accelerates Sustainable
community profit can be made. Development by opening per se a Black Wall
Street;; vital not only in promoting recovery
The scope of the Harambee Ujima project is from both economic abandonment and
sustainable community development with the; disinvestment. But through art giving minority
emphasis on simultaneously addressing neighborhood free trade benefits to enter the
public/private short coming resulting form global economy simultaneously re-establishs
decision making around social and economic the Black Diaspora/African American culture’s
development in the Tri State region. pride and dignity with trade. Harambee !
Harambee! Harambee!
History; Diversity FOOTprint joining with The
Harambee Ujima Black Arts and Cultural mb be e e e B Bl
Association (Harambee Ujima) formed a ar a ra am lack Arts Festiva
consortium, is an exploration to promote the H
ack Arts Festival
America's Black Diaspora as an emerging Anninversary un ni it ty y
economy; proposes a regional investment Breathing Life o t C o t Co om mm mu
Breathing Life In
into minority development work force talent,
Harambee Black Art Festivall
and training towards building a sustainability H a r a m b e e B l a c k A r t F e s t i v a