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Artist Spotlight
The Art House Vanessa German
Vanessa founded the Art House out of a desire to inspire children as a way to keep them
safe and teach them how to use their hands as a release like she often does.
The kind-hearted urban-art diva lives by a motto
of self-actualization which is "to own your An artist that now accepts and expects the many
success and own your talent. She encourages knocks and bumps in life understanding that each
people to follow their dreams and pursue their is designed to make you stronger advises young
own happiness. I stopped listening to the things people to be wise when choosing their friends.
around me and started listening to the voice inside She made it clear that they should believe in their
my head and follow my instincts. "Everyone has self, to believe in the fact that people are here for
ideas and shouldn't let what people say about a reason. "Don't let the past choose your future.
them be a deterrent.” Surround yourself with people who support you
and want you to grow. Have faith and believe in
Not writing or performing with the purpose to be yourself."
successful, throughout her career she has
accomplished many accolades and her ability has
enabled her to create many exhibitions. Her works 7 5
has been displayed at the Everson Museum of Art 1 A r t
in Syracuse, NY, the August Wilson Center in 0 0
2 2
Pittsburgh, the Smithsonian institute in College
Park, Maryland, the Amistad Center for Art and F e s t i v a l
Culture in Hartford Conneaut to name a few.